Discipleship Training: Four Fields


Highly Recommended Equipping in Personal Evangelism & Disciplying for every follower of Jesus:  The 4 Fields Intensive is a four day interactive experience to equips people who want to multiply disciples and churches to the glory of God.
The 4-Fields of Kingdom Growth answers these questions:

  1. Entry: How do I enter a new field?
  2. Gospel: What do I say?.
  3. Discipleship: How do I make disciples?
  4. Church: How will I form healthy churches?
  5.  Leaders: How do I multiply leaders?

The 4 Fields Intensive is for local church workers, church planters and team members, cross-cultural workers and movement catalysts. The learning environment is interactive and includes instruction, Bible discovery and skills training. Participants will leave with a clear vision and a plan for reaching their field and beyond.

Training teams often includes Troy Cooper (USA), Russell Godward (UK), Joel Shaw (Australia), Colin Craggs (Australia), Steve and Michelle Addison (Australia) and others.

Contact: Andi Hillman andi.hillman=movenetwork.org@cmail19.com

Movenet: multiplying disciples and churches everywhere.

Related Websites: 

Map Aus

Word for Australia in 2020 (received Nov 2019)
SO, my hard-drive died earlier this year, BUT last week a computer store retreived all the data in it!  As I was going through some of the retrieved files earlier in the week, I stumbled across this vision that I wrote down in November last year when I was asking Jesus for a word for Australia in 2020.  With all that has gone on this year so far, I was so encouraged when I re-read it.  So why not share the love – I hope it encourages you too.  The LORD is at work – let’s yield to Him!

“Upside down, but the right way up”
I saw a large table with the map of Australia on it facing me.  Then the Lord reached down to swivel the map 180 degrees to be squarely facing Him.  I heard “the Lord of the Harvest” as He reached down to interact with the map – the Lord was at work as I watched.  I then saw thousands of rows of angels and the cloud of witnesses standing behind the Lord (Jehovah Sabaoth – the Captain of heaven’s army) all looking on to what the Lord was doing as His hands moved across Australia.  Then on the side of the table that I was viewing the now upside down map on, there appeared thousands of saints alive in Australia today.  They were watching and ready and waiting to take their lead from Jesus.  It was so unfamiliar though, because the map was no longer facing the right way up for them.
I believe this is a shift, a turning around, a realignment that is taking place in the Body of Christ in Australia.

“RESET YOUR GAZE, for I am the Lord of the Harvest”
I felt that the Lord was saying that there will continue to be a profound shift & revelation in the hearts and minds of the Australian Church/Body of Christ – that Jesus is indeed Lord of the harvest, working intimately and powerfully through His people to bring about His heart for this nation.  There will be a shifting from relying on human will, human effort, rationale, worldy wisdom and endeavours to a greater yielding & obedience to what the Spirit is doing within our nation and partnering with Him.  The Body of Christ will be caused to view Australia upside down in a sense (as in the vision), being humbled (in a beautiful way) to understand the He is indeed the Lord of the Harvest, who orchestrates the outworking of His mission & will.  (“My thoughts are higher than your thoughts, My ways are higher than your ways”).  And due to this many people will be drawn into a deeper yielding to the Holy Spirit as He leads, strategizes and empowers us for revival.

“The BUDS ARE BLOSSOMING” – “amidst the barrenness I am bringing LIFE”
As I watched Him interact with this map I saw His hands moving around the map, drawing things out, moving things around, breathing over other/new things.   I sensed He is going to breathe LIFE into communities that are rooted and established in Him causing them to BLOSSOM, while taking a “pruning sickle” to those who have drifted from Him and His heart for the lost.  HE will breathe LIFE into BUDDING communities, ministries, projects, leaders, prophets, apostles, evangelists, pastors and teachers all across our nation that are aligned with His Heart & strategy for this nation IN THIS HOUR and will cause them to BLOSSOM as He sees fit.  For many these ways will not make sense (because they will try and continue to operate as if the map was the right way up facing them, thinking their thoughts were higher than the Lord’s, when the map had actually been spun to face the Lord) – but to those who RESET THEIR GAZE on Jesus, yielding to His Spirit and understanding that He is the Lord of the harvest who causes things to blossom supernaturally in His presence (just like Aaron’s rod did), it will make sense.

He will be working in places and in people and in ways we wouldn’t expect Him to, and those who are blossoming will be the ones who are growing in intimacy with Jesus and are surrendered and are willing to respond.  His body will realign, rediscover, & embody HIS HEART, & HIS HOLY STRATEGY for the harvest and the lost.




Australia (and the world) really have been turned upside down this year and at times you may have felt your world, your faith and the way we are gathering as a church community may have too.  I hope that in some way this is an encouragement for us to reset our gaze on Jesus and to be listening and watching for what His Spirit is doing so that we are ready and willing to partner with Him.

Here are some verses that I wrote down with the vision:

Joshua 5:15 – The captain of the LORD’S host said to Joshua, “Remove your sandals from your feet, for the place where you are standing is holy.” And Joshua did so.

Isaiah 55:9 – For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD.  For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Ephesians 5:14 – “Awake oh sleeper and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you”

John 4:32-38 –  But He said to them, “I have food to eat that you do not know about.”  So the disciples were saying to one another, “No one brought Him anything to eat, did he?”  Jesus *said to them, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to accomplish His work.  Do you not say, ‘There are yet four months, and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look on the fields, that they are white for harvest.  Already he who reaps is receiving wages and is gathering fruit for life eternal; so that he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together.  For in this case the saying is true, ‘One sows and another reaps.’  I sent you to reap that for which you have not labored; others have labored and you have entered into their labor.”

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