Dear friends,

I am writing to invite you to share this Prayer for Australia with your prayer group, church or network. The prayer was written as a result of God’s deeply impacting us in one week through two groups of intercessors –women in central Australia and 11 women who came from Nigeria with a word for Australia. Pray we, the Body of Christ, will awake and declare the sovereignty of Jesus over Australia at this vital time.

Intercession in the Heart of Australia

Across Easter 20-27th April, a team of 12 travelled with Lloyd and Gay-Marie Hollingsworth to bring Healing of the Land teachings to Ernabella in central Australia.

We witnessed the inland flooding foretold by many during the drought as the time when God’s Spirit would move across our nation.

Within hours of arriving in remote Turkeybore, a key group of intercessors arrived – fasting, weeping and overflowing with joy. Again and again over that week they embraced me -intimately whispering ‘Jesus’ and releasing His grace and power.

Into my heart, into my heart, come into my heart, Lord Jesus.



Jesus in the heart of Australia!

These Christians deeply desire that their rich heritage in Christ is passed on to the next generations of their families.

Join us in praying that this generation of original Australians receive their full inheritance in Christ!


Intercessors from Nigeria

When we returned, we found God had sent a group of intercessors known internationally as Wailing Women Worldwide to come from Nigeria to Australia with serious warnings, calling the Body of Christ to gather as one in prayer with fasting, worship and vigils. God has done remarkable things in over eighty nations of the world where He has sent this group of 11th hour workers. This 2011 visit of a group of 11 of the Wailing Women signals it is our turn in Australia and Oceania/Pacific for Divine intervention! We formed this Prayer for Australia by turning the serious warnings into points of repentance and declaration. (Papers are available on our discernment of the WWW words.)

We believe God is speaking to the nation of Australia to warn and encourage us to come into intimacy with Jesus; to pray for; trust and align ourselves with God’s intervention. God’s Spirit is calling us from idolatry in all its forms. Only Jesus’ sovereignty releases abundant life and prevents the enemy coming in to steal, kill and destroy. Praying this Prayer for Australia is a simple way to unite as Australians to seek Jesus’ sovereignty over our nation.

You can read the Prayer for Australia here.

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