Love Can End Abortion

4 May 2016 A Prayer of Love for the Parents of Unborn Babies

I had come to pray with others. While waiting for the prayer to begin I  had a vision.

Jesus was dressed as a King. He appeared at the far end of a long hall corridor – that had many doors in each side – like a college dormitory. Jesus knocked on each door but they did not open to Him. Then His Holy Presence entered the room where we were and he stood just inside the door. People were serving coffee. Someone asked me, “Why are you smiling and not speaking?” but I could not answer. I was looking at Jesus.

At one point, as we knelt and sang in the Spirit, Jesus moved among us. He stood in front of me and I  saw oil on his feet.
He asked, “What gift would you give me?” My spirit responded, “My heart.”
Jesus said, “I will take your mind, will, emotions and strength also.” He placed his hands on either side of my head on my temples and I felt the power of his Spirit renew my heart, mind, will, emotions and strength.

The people in the room were praying about abortion. They were talking about a political strategy and there was a lot of anger against the church for not rising up to support this.

Then Jesus spoke about his strategy against abortion.

Jesus said, “I have released a river of love for mothers and fathers. When a mother first senses she is pregnant, when her pregnancy is confirmed and when she tells the father she is pregnant, my Spirit will be there to release love for their child, so they know the value of their baby – that their child is worthy of life. I will release to their hearts assurance that they have all they need to protect, nourish and sustain this child’s life.”

This conviction by the Spirit of Jesus Christ has the power to stop abortion. Will you pray this for mothers and fathers of unborn children? Many of us have had our hearts hardened by the schemes of the enemy. Ask the Lord to show you His perspective.

In our sophisticated culture we abhor the ancient and primitive practices of child sacrifice and infanticide – the murder of unwanted new borns. Yet our laws (Victoria, Australia) permit the abortion of full term – 40 week old babies.

Political propooganda says, this is a woman’s body. Isn’t this the baby’s body? Is this a woman’s right or the child’s right to live? Is this a mother’s lifestyle decision or her baby’s life. Will this be the mother’s choice if Jesus’ words assures in her heart? What will be the father’s choice if he hears Jesus’ words in his heart – and his role to protect his child is not denied?

On this issue we ignore biological facts. At nine weeks a foetus is not “just a bunch of cells” – each foetus is a little baby. Ask Wikepedia, “The use of the term “fetus” generally implies that an embryo has developed to the point of being recognizable as a human; this is the point usually taken to be the ninth week after fertilization. A fetus is also characterized by the presence of all the major body organs, though they will not yet be fully developed and functional…”

We seek humane treatment for the food industry animals and pets that we kill. We wonder why German citizen ignored the extermination of millions of innocent men, women and children in the World War I holocaust. Face the truth about what we are doing here and now. Search online: ‘real abortion video’ to see the methods used to kill unborn babies – commonly without anaesthetic. Let your heart be moved by powerful compassion.

There is a terrible multiplying cost for us all. Many mothers are deeply impacted and unable to conceive.  Many of us have lost children, siblings, cousins, grandchildren. Our community has missed out on teachers, doctors, musicians… people who were meant to be born.

There is no need to carry guilt or condemnation for what we have done. We can each ask God for His tender forgiveness which is available to cover all the mistakes we have made. When we confess our sins we are set us free. When we ask Jesus to be the Lord of our life – we are given His grace and power to overcome death and live abundantly and eternally. We will hold these babies.

Let us pray with love:

  • Prayerfully submit your own heart, mind, will emotions and strength to Jesus so he can reign as King in every part of you – and change your mind, your perspective and opinion, give you compassion and turn your burdens into joy.
  • Pray for your own heart if you conceived a baby who didn’t live. Pray for the restoration power of God for all who have lost children through abortion, miscarriage or still birth.
  • Pray in agreement with the heart of the Father that a river of love and grace is released from heaven, and from us for all, to the mothers and fathers of unborn children everywhere.
  • Pray that when a mother first senses she is pregnant, when her pregnancy is confirmed, and when she tells the father she is pregnant, that they will be sensitive to Holy Spirit who is there to enable them to love their child and know the value of their baby – that their child is worthy of life.
  • Pray  their hearts respond to the Lord’s assurance so they can trust they will have all they need to protect, nourish and sustain this child’s life.

God is Father – every child matters.

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