Prophecy for Australia & New Zealand



Chris Bennett, UK 16 Dec 2016

I first had a vision of a pod of very large whales approaching New Zealand and surrounding both islands with the Gospel from revival hot-spots around the world. By surrounding the country, the Gospel was trapped and couldn’t escape. I heard about an old prophecy telling of revival hitting NZ like a tidal wave. I wondered how whales and tidal waves were linked. Then I saw the whales raise their tails in unison and slap the waves together, sending a tidal wave over the whole country.

I next saw the pod of whales swimming calmly up the East coast of Australia. They stopped by each state capital and formed an arc around the whole area, then they repeated the whole tail slap routine. This again had the effect of sending a tidal wave over the entire surrounding area of each city – Hobart, Melbourne, Canberra, Sydney, and Brisbane. Revival broke out every time a wave hit the shorelines.

Moving around the Northern coast, the pod hesitated at Darwin but then moved on swimming all the way round to Perth, a tail slap, then on to Adelaide and another tail slap. The effects at each point were the same with a large tidal wave of revival sweeping in to shore and flooding all around the area. But why not Darwin?

I was taken higher until I could see Australia laid out before me. Like an atlas map, it showed green bands around the edges where the major conurbations are. The rest was a dusty pale brown and reddish area where vegetation was obviously thin on the ground. As I looked, I noticed a larger green patch developing. It went from Darwin in a green swathe down to Alice Springs – it was especially green around Uluru, Southwest of Alice Springs. This was the area covered by the first outbreak of revival which had failed to take hold.

As I watched, the whale pod swam back to Darwin and slapped their tails three, four and five times. With each slap, an increasingly large tidal wave hit the coast and flooded the land – right down to Uluru, until the whole continent was immersed in the floodwaters of revival.

No timing was available to me during or after this vision. All I heard the Lord say was, “Australasia, I am coming soon!”

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