We are entering a vital season of prayer for Australia that will take us into new forms of prayer and partnership.
In this season when there are so many calls to pray– our prayer leaders really need people who are committed to pray for them, and we all need to pray that people across the Body of Christ will respond to the calls to pray for Australia. Please pray that people register at www.nationaldayofprayer.com.au and come to Canberra on Feb 19 and commit to the 40 days of prayer and register as praying for their regions.
Women on the Frontline Gathering: Canberra. 17-18 Feb
A group of us will drive up to meet with others from around Australia prior to the National Day of Prayer. The gathering for women and men is hosted by House of Honour Ministries, Australia Contact Noa: Mobile: 0433 028 606 Email:houseofhonouraustralia@gmail.com Website: www.ourchurch.com/member/h/houseofhonour
National Day of Prayer and Fasting: Canberra. 19 Feb
Our National Day of Prayer and Fasting Feb 19 calls Australians to help people see Jesus, and to commit to pray for them through 40 days of prayer and fasting Feb 22-April 1. www.nationaldayofprayer.com.au Will you be coming to Canberra or linking regionally? Will you encourage people to pray for Australians in this special season? We would welcome your prayers for leaders, pastors and churches to get involved in prayer.
40 Days of Prayer and Fasting. 22 Feb-1 April
Many of you have participated over previous years in the 40 days of prayer and fasting that we presented through transforming Melbourne. Last year this went national and in 2012 we have planned the 40 days of Prayer and Fasting to link to Australia’s February 19 National Day of Prayer and Fasting www.nationaldayofprayer.com.au – taking us deeper in praying for our nation.
Check out the prayer guide for the 40 days of Prayer and Fasting at www.40daysofprayer.com.au. You can register local prayer groups that are open to others from your region.
Luis Bush from Transform World has kindly supported our 40 days of prayer guide as a model for all nations! In doing this Luis has opened a valuable opportunity for global relationship and connection and put us in touch with Susan and Fred Rowe, who are building a house of prayer in central California and assisting other regions in developing and connecting houses of prayer, including key houses of prayer in Israel and the Middle East. Check out the Rowe’s Amos 9:11 call and website, The Living Wall: Restoring the Tabernacle of David and building through Relationships at http://www.thelivingwall.org
Surrender:12 National Social Justice Gathering. 23-25 March
Belgrave Heights Convention Centre, Melbourne
Hope Speaks Hope Acts: Word and Deed in our neighbourhoods.
The Word became flesh and blood and moved into the neighbourhood. John 1:14 The Message
Explore how we can serve God through words and actions in our neighbourhoods.
Through main sessions, workshops, worship and conversations we’ll join together to seek God’s heart for our neighbourhoods, to be inspired to proclaim good news and join with the healing work of His Spirit.
This is increasingly a key gathering to meet with Aboriginal Christian leaders.
Keynote Speakers: Andy Hawthorne (UK), CB Samuel (India), Sereki Korocowiri (Fiji), Melinda Tankard Reist (ACT)
More Information: www.surrender.org.au
Contact: Anita Wight m: 0403 177 995 e: anita@surrender.org.au
Passover and Resurrection Vigil: Melbourne. 7 April
In 2012 Passover coincides with Easter celebration of Jesus’ death and resurrection.
We have sensed a call from Ex 12:14, 42 to host a Passover vigil from 6.30pm on the evening of Saturday 7 April, 2012. Ps. Jaheel Shelling from Celebration Messiah will lead us and an offering will be taken to thank Jaheel. We will maintain a vigil – very conscious of Jesus’ death and resurrection – until dawn, 6.30am on the morning of Easter Sunday.
Matthew 26:41 “Could you not keep watch with me for one hour? Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation.”
Exodus 12:14, 42 “This is a day you are to commemorate; for the generations to come you shall celebrate it as a festival to the LORD—a lasting ordinance.” “Because the LORD kept vigil that night to bring them out of Egypt, on this night all the Israelites are to keep vigil to honour the LORD for the generations to come.”
If you would like to come contact: sue@partnersinprayer.org.au
Come to Jesus for Your Instruction
We hear Jesus calling us to arise and come to Him for our instruction and rest.
Matthew 17:5 “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!”
Exodus 23, esp 20-21 “See, I am sending an angel ahead of you to guard you along the way and to bring you to the place I have prepared. Pay attention to him and listen to what he says.
Isaiah 60:1-5 “Arise, shine.. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn. “Lift up your eyes and look about you: All assemble and come to you” and Rev 3:20-22, 4:1-5
Praying for the Pray-ers.
I want to publicly acknowledge Dorothy Beach, one of my dear friends and prayer shield partners, who passed away this month. I miss her deeply and cried out to the Lord asking, ‘Who will stand in her place?’ By God’s grace, within a day four people identified that they are praying for me! Thank you xxx I have since identified 12 pray-ers that I am committed to pray for. Would you pray for 12 pray-ers by name?
God will intervene to save our nation.
Hezekiah has frequently been raised to me, by the Holy Spirit, as a relevant example:
I proclaim these godly characteristics for the prayer movement in Australia!
- We trust in the Lord, the God of Australia! (2Kgs18:5)
- We base our confidence on the one and only God and worship Him only! (2Kgs18:19,22)
- We invite others to trust in the Lord. (2Kgs18:30,32)
- When we see trouble coming we turn first in prayer to our Lord. (2Kgs19:1,14) (2Ch30:20, 32:20)
- We pray for the people of our nation, saying, “May the Lord, who is good, pardon everyone who sets their hearts on seeking God – the Lord the God of their ancestors” (2Ch 30:18-19)
- God hears our prayer for our nation. (2Kgs19:19,20, 20:5) God defends this city/nation and saves it … (2Kings19:34) “Now the Lord our God delivers us… so that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that You alone, Lord are God.” (2Ch 30:20) “So the Lord saved Hezekiah and the people of Judah. He took care of them on every side.” (2Ch 32:22)
- We will come out of this season as a remnant, a band of survivors. The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this. (2Kgs19:31) May we succeed also in everything we undertake! (2Ch 32:30)
- We speak encouragingly to all the pray-ers who show good understanding of the service of the Lord. There is provision, “a great number of priests consecrating themselves and great joy. The priests and pray-ers stand to bless the people and God heard them, for their prayers reach heaven, his holy dwelling place.” (2Ch 30:22-27)
- The priests and pray-ers are assigned “to divisions – each of them according to their duties as priests or Levites – to offer burnt offerings and fellowship offerings, to minister, to give thanks and to sing praises at the gates of the Lord’s dwelling.” (2Ch 31:2) Orders are given to prepare storerooms in the temple of the Lord, and this is done. (2Ch 31:11) This is what is done throughout our nation, what is good and right and faithful before our God. (2Ch 31:20)
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