Monthly Archives: November 2023


By Grace AlonReleased during Welcome the King of Glory in Jerusalem 11-13 October 2023Described at: Acts 17:26 NKJV And he has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their pre-appointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings. Romans 1:20 NKJV For since the creation of the world His … Continue reading

Australia & New Zealand — Prophetic Vision & Word

November 3, 2023 Chris G. Bennett I see a pot boiling. Actually it’s more like a giant witch’s cauldron — a very large black, round pot on three stout legs, with a good log fire burning under it. There’s a bit of a stench coming from it. It appears to be unattended. I look around the pot which is in the … Continue reading