By Grace AlonReleased during Welcome the King of Glory in Jerusalem 11-13 October 2023Described at: Acts 17:26 NKJV And he has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their pre-appointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings. Romans 1:20 NKJV For since the creation of the world His … Continue reading

Australia & New Zealand — Prophetic Vision & Word

November 3, 2023 Chris G. Bennett I see a pot boiling. Actually it’s more like a giant witch’s cauldron — a very large black, round pot on three stout legs, with a good log fire burning under it. There’s a bit of a stench coming from it. It appears to be unattended. I look around the pot which is in the … Continue reading

The Story of our Father’s Family Tree: told 3 ways.

In October 2023 we’ve seen extraordinary events in Israel, Australia and the nations. See:’s a crucial time to listen to your Father’s voice and say, pray and do only what your Father is saying. “Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, For wisdom and might are His. and He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings … Continue reading

Messianic Believers Re-covenant at the Gathering of the Nations to Welcome the King of Glory

This is the extraordinary covenant statement signed by Messianic believers on the 11th October 2023 in Jerusalem during the war. Our Covenant Declaration with the God of Israel We stand here this day, the 11th of October 2023, in Jerusalem, the City of the Great King, the City where God has placed His Name forever. As representatives of the first … Continue reading

Protected: Reports on the Solemn Assembly and Preparation to Welcome the King of Glory (WTKOG)

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From Uluru to Jerusalem. From Repentance to Covenant. Welcome the King of Glory 2023

by Debra Morris SEE: “It is Time” by Grace Alnon BELOW: YouTube Videos In March this year a group of Tribal elders and leaders recognised God is calling the Aboriginal people back to Himself. This is not a new thing and yet we knew it was time to return. We gathered at Tongala, in Victoria, and a call was … Continue reading

Indigenous Voices Arise out of the Land of Australia

Ps Danielle Dixon – 15 September 2020 During a Zoom meeting led by Indigenous Australian Apostle Peter Walker of National Solemn Assembly. The Lord quickened to me”It’s time, the time is right”. He later spoke to me about timing is everything in birthing, Australia is giving birth to prophetic Indigenous voices. The Father is causing new alignments, creating new platforms … Continue reading

First Nation Leaders repent of Ancestral Sin and Covenant the land of Australia to God.

Can you picture our country covenanted to God, living in the blessing of His Kingdom come – in His love, righteousness, peace and joy? There are two significant gatherings: 1. First Nation Leaders have heard God’s Call for First Nation People to gather in Solemn Assembly at Uluru in September 2023 over Yom Kippur. This time of deep and solemn repentance … Continue reading


by Milo Siilata Tuailemafua   GOD PROMISED TO DESTROY THE VEIL COVERING THE NATIONS Isaiah 25:6-8 KJV And in this mountain shall the Lord of hosts make unto all people a feast of fat things, a feast of wines on the lees, of fat things full of marrow, of wines on the lees well refined. 7 And he will destroy in this mountain … Continue reading


REGISTER for NDOPF 2023 This is a day to gather in the Lord’s presence, seek His face, listen to His voice, be renewed, refreshed and empowered by His Spirit, to walk out His purpose in our lives individually and corporately.A day set aside to humble ourselvesA day to give thanks and Praise Him for all He has doneA day to … Continue reading