Come and Be One

Come and Be One in Prayer….. Think global, act local!

Pray Together for Your Local Area.

These are our prayer strategies – which you could use too!

  • A group has met for about 10 years to pray for our local municipality.
  • We also meet to pray for our neighbourhood in Maroondah on a regular night each week in an open meeting others are invited to.
  • We have attached a powerpoint on how you and your prayer partner can be a: Local Houses of Prayer for All. Contact us for a brief version!
  • Contact us for support for Local & Regional Houses of Prayer.

Have you read, “Grace Outpouring – Blessing Others through Prayer” by Roy Godwin & Dave Roberts?

It describes what God is doing through His very evident presence in a  house of prayer in Ffald-y-Brenin, Wales. The book is available from Koorong and Word book shops.

Contact us: to obtain Ffald-y-Brenin Resources including:

  • A Simple Guide to Establishing A Local House of Prayer – 4 CDs of anointed teaching by Roy Godwin.
  • Daily Rhythm of Prayer – I am being blessed by adopting this powerful Daily Rhythm of Prayer 0f simple scriptural adoration that transforms us, leading us to rest and trust in our Lord’s grace to us, and unites us in prayer for our nation. 
  • Introduction to Blessings  Fflad-y-Brenin  invites locals to gather regularly to speak blessings on their local community and have seen natural and spiritual transformation as a result.

For more ideas see section: House Of Prayer for All Nations


Become sent ones:

  • “Heavy Rain: How you can transform the world around you” by Kris Vallotton  Having prayed, Jesus went out among the people. Kris’ vision is that cities will be transformed when we, the church, flow out of the temple – like Ezekial’s river rather than gathering – as at the Pool of Bethesda.

               For collaborative prayer events see:


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