
Formational Influencers

I gratefully acknowledge the grace of God that blesses me through the loving support of my husband, David, our children and grandchildren. I honour the generations of ministers, intercessors and missionaries in my father’s and mother’s families, who have built my spiritual inheritance.1

My husband and I have the privilege to live on inherited Wurundjeri land and we gratefully honour the elders, past and present – particularly  Simon Wonga (1824-1874) and his cousin,  William Barak (c. 1824 – 15 August 1903) who were Wurundjeri elders, and William Cooper (c. 1861 – 1941 of Yorta Yorta descent) for their vital roles in the foundations of our city of Melbourne in 1835, and our formation. I deeply honour present and emergent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Christian leaders, my aunties and uncles, sis and bros and I love and stand with many Indigenous friends.  This generation’s fulfilment of God’s destiny for our nation depends on our relationship with Jesus and each other.

I left a tenured lectureship at the University of Melbourne to come into full-time ministry in 1996 and with others planted New Life Christian Community and The Crossing Community Centre in Boronia. I served full-time there until 2003, seeing extensive inner healing reaching thousands – through Nofoao & Norm Thomas and Family Foundations International. With Jackie Nair and others, we continued to provide Stillspace: a journey of meaning, wholeness and connection – as regular spiritual space – time in God’s presence in community places in housing commission communities in Boronia until 2007.

In  late 2006 I took up a role with Rob Isaachsen in Transforming Melbourne where I served in apprenticeship in City Church leadership until 2010 when we were led by God to lay down this centralising ministry and await the organic things that God would raise, a new generation, new wine in new wineskin. (John 12:24)

PIPES Formational History

In 2011 Rod Schneider and I transitioned Partners in Prayer Australia into PIPES: Partners in Prayer & Evangelism. Jordan Mullen joined us as inaugural directors when we incorporated PIPES in 2016. I deeply appreciated prophetic input and technical assistance from Rod Schneider from c.2011-early 2016.

From 2011-2019 I worked with Warwick Marsh, Wes Leake and others in the founding and operation of the National Day of Prayer & Fasting. The 40 Days of Prayer & Fasting founded within Transforming Melbourne had been taken national in 2010 and was linked to the forming NDOPF. It formed an ongoing prayer relay – a House of Prayer for All Nations that was online until 2022 at

There are many who have been part of this journey and I am deeply grateful for the hours and years we have spent together in prayer – finding joy in the House of Prayer – and growing in meaning, wholeness and connection.   I want to express much love and gratitude to those who contribute so vitally to this ministry in servanthood and prayer over many years, including Rod & Karen Schneider,  Jordan & Elisa Mullen, Doug Norfolk,  Karen Wilson, Nofoao Thomas, Julie Seouw and Jackie Nair.

Since 2017 we have helped form, build and support a number of very stable, consistent online prayer and worship communities with national and international members associated with Prayer Call, Pray4Victoria and National Forgiveness Week. These are listed under I grateful acknowledge the key role of Ros Curry, Melissa Haigh, Anthea Patterson, Dawn Sheldon, Debra & David Morris, Rose Rigney, Stephanie Herbert, Rozanne Saunders and Jamie Pryor, Katina Tsiglopoulos, Jordan Mullen, Linda Straw, Lois Cronin, Jackie Nair, Nofoao Thomas, Krystal Woodward, Rani Slingo, Sandra Koundanis and Alexandrina Mayberry among many beloved and loving faithful brothers and sisters.

I most grateful for those involved on the PIPES Board and partnering movements – David Tinworth, Linda Straw, Ed Straw, James Condon & Rob Warren. See partnering colleagues and movements listed:


I honour with deep gratitude some of the many founding and formational fathers who have been crucial in my life and in this ministry and those to whom I am accountable.

Archie Edmonds, Founder of Partners in Prayer Australia

In 2008 Helen Woodall, the inaugural president of Partners in Prayer Australia, asked if I would carry her role in addition to my role as the prayer coordinator for Transforming Melbourne. On the 25th July 2008 I came to the hospital bedside of the founder, Archie Edmonds, a few days before he passed away. We held each other’s hands as I kneeled before him, with wonder exchanging the vision  God had given us – every home a house of prayer, a house of prayer in every street!  Archie blessed me and released an anointing for me to carry this forward. A few days later, at his funeral Archie’s children said he entered a time of peace and joy after this.

Archie had built prayer networks across India and other nations before he came to Australia in 1988 at the age of 61. He worked in the tax office until 1990 when he had a stroke. In May 2004, Archie heard God ask, “I have many preachers and teachers but where are the pray-ers?”  The Northern Suburbs Prayer Fellowship began on 6th November 2004. Partners in Prayer Australia, based on 2 Chronicles 7:14 and Joel 2:15-17, was launched on 4th June 2006.  At its founding, Archie said, “We pray for God’s blessings upon PIPA … to embrace the whole of this nation and to mobilise God’s people to concerted, fervent prayer.  God bless Australia.  May God receive all honour and glory for His work.”  Archie will be remembered for his humility, transparency, encouragement, forthrightness, integrity, grace, peace and security in his Father’s love.  Archie loved God with his whole heart and was a principled man of prayer, passion, fire and joy, a beloved father, an unselfish listener, a sweet fragrance before our Lord.

Rob & Lois Isaachsen, Transforming Melbourne

Rob and I worked together as leaders of Transforming Melbourne from 2006-2010. We laid down the TM team and service to the body of Christ to be seeds in ploughed fields, and for new organic forms to arise under multiple new leaders.  I thank God for his humble, gracious and faithful servant Rob – and Lois,  in whom our Lord delights. I am grateful for the privilege of becoming the coordinator of TM in 2009 and now carry this legacy and the vision of ‘God transforming Melbourne’ into new forms and territories.

Pat Shepherd, Restoration Ministries

Pat was an elder of Transforming Melbourne, and my personal mentor from 2010 until her passing in March 2016. She provided tender friendship, wise counsel, godly personal ministry and prophetic guidance. No words will ever be sufficient to express my gratitude to Pat.

Peter & Lyn McHugh, Stairway Church Whitehorse

Peter & Lyn McHugh are the Senior Ministers of Stairway Church Whitehorse which I attend. I uphold Peter’s role serving the Church across Melbourne and Australia and raising prayer  for our city and nation. We are very grateful for the crucial role that Stairway fulfills in equipping and connecting disciples in our journey toward fulfilling God’s purpose for this nation – and raising prayer for Melbourne and houses of prayer everywhere.

David & Tina Michael, Spirit Alive Church Melbourne

David is a spiritual father to me –with the same DNA, the same hunger and love for our Lord. David’s house of prayer is a home away from home for many of us from across Australia and this loving community covers this ministry with prayer. Amazingly, David and Archie Edmonds knew each other as young people in Bangalore, India.

David Tidy, Prayer Warrior International

An unexpected grace grew from my support for David’s Australian tour in ?2014. David is the coordinator for Prayer Warriors International – operating from the UK. He has had  a key and sustained role in prophetic intercession for Australia and New Zealand, particularly in reconciliation with our Indigenous elders. David constantly stands with us when he accurately discerns the need. I am in a debt of thanks to him and our Father. 

Jenny Hagger, Founder Australian House of Prayer for All Nations

Our Lord called Jenny to help build Houses of Prayer for All Nations across Australia and beyond, so she is a direct pioneer of our call to see HOPE: Houses of Prayer Everywhere. It is not easy being a women in ministry and we honour the husbands who stand with us. Jenny blessed me as a women at the time God called me to lead prayer for Australia by hosting for three years an Apostolic Table for women across Australia who became points of hope and trust for our subsequent calls to the nation..

Aussie Watch

I am deeply gratitude to my brothers and sisters in our weekly journey over the last decade as Aussie Watch: Roy Funu,  Karen & Tim Wilson, Wes Leake, Dexter Low, Ros & Ken Curry and Melissa & Peter Haigh.


There are many spiritual fathers and mothers, sisters and brothers who have been channels of God’s grace in my life and to others through PIPES. I thank God for the Prayer Call & Pray4Victoria and National Forgiveness Week communities across Australia; Noel & Barbara Bell from Sydney (Intercessors for Australia); Roy & Daphne Godwin from Ffald-y-Brenin in Wales; and Jason Hubbard from Lighthouse of the World Prayer Centre, Whatcom County, Washington Stat, USA.

Our Father and Lord of All

Abundant and eternal life is available to all because our Father God so loved the world that His Son and Holy Spirit came.  Whoever believes in Yeshua/Jesus is the Son of God is saved from death when we give our lives to Jesus and accept, by grace, His perfect life and death in our place. Yeshua’s victory over sin established a new covenant in His blood that restored us to intimate loving relationship with God as our Father. As we trust in Yeshua and His Spirit’s leading, He enables us to walk out our divine destiny, in victory over sin and in His authority over the principalities, powers and authority that resist His Kingdom on earth and in the spiritual realm.

Our ministry, Partners in Prayer & Evangelism,  calls Australia to worship, to agree with our Father’s will and what He is saying, so His Kingdom is manifest on earth.  Jesus asks us pray for the harvest – to turn outward with Jesus’ call to partner in prayer for evangelists and the harvest, and to partners as harvest workers.

In Luke 10:1-3 it says, Jesus appointed other disciples and sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go. Jesus said, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. So earnestly ask the Lord of the harvest, to send out workers into his harvest field. Go! I am sending you…” “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20)

May the Lamb receive the reward for His suffering! To bring Him glory, the Spirit of God sings through us and his compelling words of love are heard.

My prayer is that many lost souls will join us to sing as one with heaven, “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing!” “every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and in the sea, and all that is in them, saying, “To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honor and glory and might forever and ever!” (Revelation 5:12-13)

with deep wonder and gratitude,
Sue Tinworth

God taught me about sacrifice, martyrdom, forgiveness, love and honour through the legacy of my parents, grandparents, and great grandparents. My childhood family lived in four different countries and God shaped me to see and identify with multiple perspectives, denominations and cultures.

My father, Dr Lynn McMahon1 was the first doctor at Atoifi Hospital among the Kwaio people of East Malaita, Solomon Islands. Our Australian colleagues were killed at Atoifi. Brian Dunn2  was martyred in 1965, Lens Larwood3 died in an accident in 1979 and Lance Gersbachwas martyred in 2003. (Jn 15:12-13).

My husband David Tinworth and I, are blessed to have an incredibly loving family – two daughters and five grandchildren. I honour David’s love, and his life achievement in successfully establishing a global vaccine research and manufacturing entity which has assisted in reducing antibiotic usage and pandemics in intensively farmed food animals.

After a 15 year academic career, God released me in 1996 to help plant a Spirit-led church and community centre in Boronia, Victoria and then to help connect the body of Christ in prayer –in Melbourne through Transforming Melbourne, and Australia through PIPES: Partners in Prayer & Evangelism Ltd.5  We led 40 Days of Prayer from 2006-2019, in partnership with Australia’s National Day of Prayer & Fasting (NDOPF) from 2011-2019. Along the way, God built cherished relationships with Indigenous brothers and sisters that led us to film, from 2015 40 Stories6  with Rod Schneider, Warwick Vincent, Sara Cohen and team; and to journey from 2015 with National Solemn Assembly with Ps Peter Walker, Ps Tim Edwards and many teams.

In this season I am a national watchman. (Hab 2:1-3) In 2017 I joined a national Prayer Call7 of online watchmen who have held discerning prayer & worship 6 days a week since. In 2020 PIPES formed Pray4Victoria: Light in Darkness7 and we officially partnered with Rob Warren in raising National Forgiveness Week8 in Australia and the South Pacific nations and in collaboration with i4Give8.  From 2022 PIPES officially partnered with NDOPF in it new form, Australia Prays8. We watch with wonder what our Lord is doing in these appointed times.


    1. Dr Lynn McMahon
    2. Brian Dunn|dunn
    3. Lens Larwood|larwood
    4. Lance Gersbach
    5. PIPES: Partners in Prayer and Evangelism
    6. 40 Stories
    7. Ongoing Online Prayer & Worship
    8. National Forgiveness Week & i4Give Can you say i4Give?
    9. Australia Prays

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