Can you say, i4Give?

Those who receive God’s forgiveness are called to forgive, and to forgive as we are forgiven.  To love as we are loved. (Matthew 6:12, John 15:12)

Forgiveness sets us free to be whole and can heal relationships, families and nations.


National Forgiveness Week

National Forgiveness Week (NFW has a long history of bringing reconciliation to South Pacific nations and in Arnhem Land in Australia.

Our NFW team continues to partner in relationships with many key ones God has called with favour across the Church and government in their South Pacific nations to carry His call toward national forgiveness, unity and reconciliation.

In December 2020, Rob Warren & Sue Tinworth sensed God’s call to partner in His fresh move to bring National Forgiveness Week (NFW) to new nations. NFW is now a ministry supported by PIPES: Partners in Prayer & Evangelism

An extraordinary group of called ones from across Australia and South Pacific nations have faithfully gathered with us online through 2021 -22 in weekly prayer gathering and 24/7 Signal group. During our prayer, God formed and led us to walk in love – The Forgiving Way. It is a progressive journey…

Forgive Stories

We hope many will be inspired to forgive when they hear the power of forgiveness in other people’s lives so we are gathering written stories to share online.

Some of these written stories will be filmed by another PIPES partner: Warwick Vincent & the team from

You may like to submit your Forgive Story to inspire others: Forgive Story Guidelines


NFW partners with i4Give

By divine appointment, in early 2021 Rob & Sue met with Bishop Philip Huggins from the National Council of Christian Churches in Australia in early 2021. Bishop Huggins connected us with key ones who strengthened what we could bring across these four aspects – including John Hendry OAM and Daniel & Leila Abdallah and Jen George from the i4give Foundation.

During 2020, in our weekly NFW prayer group, God highlighted things that were on His heart, and identified people amongst us who had callings and expertise to carry these passions into the broader community.

We are called to stand in:
1. prayer for forgiveness
and to carry this core gospel message into:
2. Australian prisons,
3. schools
4. through a call by Aboriginal people.

The night before representatives of NFW, met with i4Give, God highlighted to them that they needed forgiveness services in the same four areas that He had led us to develop! This confirmed the fit and we are delighted to support and join with i4give in a new partnership toward highlighting national forgiveness in Australia.


Have you heard of i4Give?

Australia’s National i4Give Week

is celebrated from the 1st February every year and offers ways for us to every day all year:
Register your church or group to participate in i4Give Week.
There is more information about i4Give Week at the end of this document.

Australia’s National i4Give Day on February 1st annually commemorates the memory of four young children whose lives were tragically lost when a fast car hit seven children on a Sydney footpath on this day in 2020.

Antony, Angelina and Sienna Abdallah and their cousin Veronique Sakr are commemorated on this day because Daniel and Leila Abdallah, and the Sakr family, chose to forgive their killer. Danny & Leila founded in response to their tragedy.

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In the Blink of An Eye
is a one hour documentary by 7 News is an inspirational film.
You will see how God has accompanied and assured this precious family as they trusted deeply in Him. Their faith and testimony are compelling.

In The Blink Of An Eye: Four young lives lost by the side of a Sydney road | 7NEWS Spotlight

We are delighted to congratulate the Abdallah family on the birth of Selina Abdallah on 18th March 2022 – Danny & Leila’s seventh child. Selina was named in memory of her sisters Sienna and Angelina.

Abdallah family w Selina

Every week we can share the good news of forgiveness.

i4Give Week Resources

This are resources to aid your participation.

Dear i4give friends,

Thank you so much for your registration to partner in this wonderful work sharing the message of forgiveness in Australian communities.  We hope that you might use this week’s focus on forgiveness to guide the content of your small groups, gatherings and preaching.

Please find a package with a variety of resources that are endorsed by the i4give Foundation for your use (as a registered party) during i4give week and especially on i4give Sunday.  All resources have been generously shared by our partners with i4give with thanks, so please credit the source.

We also would appreciate some photos from your i4give week activities (with appropriate permissions or no people) sent to so we can share on our website.
I Forgive by John Burland:


Here are some written resources available freely online for your use


2. And from an excellent researcher from the US

3.A book of forgiveness stories with study resources

4.Kids video by Douglas Talks on forgiveness

5.A theological explanation of forgiveness at

Thanks again for your partnership in forgiveness. May God bless your efforts.

Danny, Leila, Jen and all of us at the i4give Foundation

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