A Word for this Season: introduced by Susan and Fred Rowe from Transform World and www.thelivingwall.org.
This word comes from the Isle of Wight, House of Prayer. The vision and word came during the feast of dedication, Chanukah, 9-16 Dec 2012. It conveys the importance and value of building and connecting houses of prayer through relationships to encourage and build one another up.
The scripture that came to mind as we read this was Psalm 2:8, “Ask of Me, and I will give you the nations for your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for your possession.” It is part of the “new birth” G-d is doing in the earth. Much is coming and hanging in the balance. It is time for deliverance. May we be inspired to ask for the nations…for His Kingdom’s sake. It is an hour for the houses of prayer to arise and connect…much coming…much hanging in the balance as we enter the “new year.” Fred and Sue Rowe
From the Isle of Wight, House of Prayer: Chanukah? A Feast of Dedication
I felt led of the L-rd to tell you about some exciting and perhaps sobering news. On Thursday morning as I was in the Prayer Room early in the morning the L-rd gave me a vision? He actually laid the nation of Israel over my open hands (I actually saw the map we have of Israel draped over my outstretched hands).
I shared this with a dear friend as I felt that the L-rd was saying this to her as well as me? ?That this is a re-confirmation and us to continue with prophetic intercession and worship seeking Father?s heart for Israel and carry His passion and love for the Land and the People?. And that it is time you stretched forth your hands for nations. The prophetic gifting which lies on your shoulders as a mantle must and will increase and that I want you to seek My face primarily for Israel , the Bride and the nations. I want you to stretch out your hands and feel My heartbeat, My pain, My passion and My tears and My sorrow and My joy for all that I place into your hands, your heart and before your eyes.?
On Saturday morning in the Prayer Watch, we were led into the most powerful, loud and heavily anointed praise and declaration. Led by Robin who ministered under the most powerful anointing as a Prophetic Psalmist we declared that G-d would arise in our midst and scatter His enemies. This we decreed over all G-d?’s enemies and that our enemies were G-d?’s enemies. As we cried out for El, El-him Y?sr-el ~ the G-d, the G-d of Is-ael to arise and let His enemies be scattered we felt a great move in the Spirit. Our worship led us to be on our faces before the L-rd. I felt the most powerful mantle of fire come on me as I lay on my face before the L-rd and I saw a picture of the face of a clock and the L-rd said ?it?s later than you think!?
He then directed me to call forth those in the Prayer Room to reach out their hands for the nations and prophetically I placed the map of I-rael and a symbol of other nations over their hands. The L-rd called them forth, re-confirmed and re-dedicated their call to pray and interceded for the Nations. The H-ly Spirit reminded me that it was the last day of Ch-nukah and although it is celebrated as being the celebration of Lights, Ch-nukah actually means ?Dedication? and the L-rd was calling us this day to re-dedicate ourselves to seeking His face, His will, His heart, His tears, His pain, His sorrow, His joy for Isr-el and the nations.
The overwhelming burden from H-ly Spirit is that it is later than we think? and this is the L-rd?’s call to His bride, to re-dedicate herself, re-confirm her calling be ready to be re-aligned and re-assigned. This He said was for His remnant, His kingdom of priests and intercessors and worshippers to cry to Him and ask for revelation of Spirit of Truth. It is time to put off all the traditions of man and the ways of man and falsehood. Beloved we must be in prayer, the Prayer of Spirit and Truth.
I encourage you today to go before the Lord and stretch forth your hands and say give me the nations and let me carry your heart? He wants you to look at that nation from top to bottom from side to side and see what He sees and speak what He is speaking and weep and mourn but rejoice in His goodness and love for the nation of Israel and the nations. Amos 3 v 7 ~ Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.
Robin & Maggie
Worship the King Ministries
Isle of Wight, House of Prayer