Monthly Archives: February 2016

Aussie, Aussie, Aussie!

I just read this from John Dawson, Taking our Cities for God! (YWAM) Whole countries are kept in darkness by satanic lies that have become cornerstones of a particular culture. Take, for example, the struggle with rejection and the fear of authority experienced by many Australians because their country originated as a penal colony. Entering through these cruel roots of … Continue reading

Meet Sam Dewald

Author of : The King is Coming. Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem. A Divine Way for a Blessed Life. Great teaching at:

Terra Australis Incognita (Great Unknown South Land)

A Prophetic Vision of Australia by Rev Paul C Lee Vision: In May 2006, Australia entered her 400th year since De Quiros’ proclamation of the “Southland of the Holy Spirit”. Many people also believe Australia is entering into her spiritual destiny in this end-time hour. This document summarises a number of prophetic insights about Australia. Spiritual Counterbalance Australia was once known as … Continue reading