Chuck Smith, Prophetic Word for Melbourne Australia, Published 2016 and again September 2, 2020
Chuck Smith, South Caroline USA.
I heard the Lord speaking to Melbourne and saying “You are not the least amongst the cities that I have a plan for in these days. There is a prophetic mantle being placed on you as a city, you will be a hub of My glory and a center for the plans of the Lord. Much will proceed out of you in the days to come. The economy will be blessed to bless the church, and there will be economic prophets ready to direct funds into kingdom purposes as naturally as they breathe. You will be a pattern of how the governing of the Kingdom comes into a city.”
When I was praying the other day I saw a picture of Jesus coming into Melbourne humble, and on a donkey, and I am hearing Him say; “Just as I moved towards a great victory in great humility, so the Kingdom things will start humbly in Melbourne, but then there will be a quick acceleration to a finished work. It will start humbly, it will start in the children. Children in Melbourne will understand the ways of the Spirit and the fire of God better than many adults. They will be BOLD, running to the battle like someone who is convinced there is no chance of losing. Aspects of the media will be given to you people of Melbourne. You won’t have to beg or borrow or steal, the Lord says media is going to open up for Kingdom purposes. I tell you I have in my plans for your city to be an example of how the Kingdom invades earth. The kingdom of Melbourne will become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ.
Children in Melbourne will understand the ways of the Spirit and the fire of God better than many adults. They will be BOLD, running to the battle like someone who is convinced there is no chance of losing
Patterns left from years gone by are going to reemerge and be picked up by people and this time they will work to build the kingdom of God. They were left for dead years ago, but only because people didn’t understand the prophetic, they didn’t know it was a download given years in advance. The words weren’t stewarded. But I tell you now someone will pick them up, they will be found like Josiah found the law, and God’s people will rejoice saying ‘Look, this foretold of the spiritual strategy needed to take our city.’ It is in a forgotten book, but you will dust it off says the Lord and you will find what you have been waiting for.
There is an increase in air cover for this great city says God, I have established intercessors but now am establishing intercessor networks. Heavenly intelligence will be downloaded and the intercessors will exchange information quickly amongst these networks. Things that have overcome people in the city from overhead, aerial attacks are going to diminish, because the intercessors are in full operation. They are making changes to the city. Restoration will be brought back to the city, even vegetation that stopped growing is becoming healthy again.
Get ready Melbourne. Because I have worked my humility in those in the church I can now begin to use you as an example of what the word hub means in this hour. You will be a great resource for the church, not just in Australia, but world wide!”
Prayer Points from Word by Chuck Smith – prepared by Linda Straw for Clarion Collective
Pray for Business and the emerging of the economic Prophets
Pray for Humility
Pray for the emerging generation – that the children to have the wisdom and capacity to steward what God has spoken to us.
Pray that the various intercessory networks would begin to partner in this season, that the spirit of humility would allow us to hear each other and what God is showing each of us.
Pray we have wisdom and discernment on how to progress this.
Pray Melbourne is a resource and a Hub of provision – a manifestation of the Kingdom.
Pray God’s glory released in our nation and then released to other nations.
Marc Dupont, Pastor’s Meeting Westside Centre, Melbourne 25 June 1999. Transcribed and shared with us by Ps Mark Whitby
His hand is upon this city, He has chosen this city, in His timing and His official purpose. He has called you His city, He is doing something that you would bc amazed in this day and this hour and God’s time for you would not believe it if you were told.
But God says throughout the word He has chosen watering places, He has chosen places to open up the heavens, He has chosen places to bring the early rain and the late rains. He has chosen places to send out His presence to march across the land, to bring the rain to fire parched lands, the widows and orphans, the fatherless, they cry out. They have a cry in their heart that is a silent cry in the most part but the people around them and often times even the church cannot hear. But God says there is a cry resonating through the heavens coming up before His throne from this city.
God has chosen this city. He is doing something this day, this age, this hour: you would not believe it if you were told. The Lord says His glory is going to go forth in Melbourne. He is going to pour out His glory and it will not go to man, it will not go to any specific leader, but God is looking for carriers of His presence. He is calling to people today to take forth the fire of His presence, a people who are consumed by His fire.
And He is nor so much saying this will happen because of this person or that will happen because of this – anointing but He has opened up the doors to those who will call upon Him, those who will seek Him, those who cannot live without Him.
And He is moving. He is going to take those people from having a message, to becoming the message. To becoming a reflection of His heart, His compassion. His glory and they shall burn brightly in this area, but the fire that they burn and the heat that they give off shall not bc their own flames, they shall take forth the flames of the consuming one.
The Lord says know this in this time, this day, this age, this hour it is not so much that you have chosen Him but He has chosen you, Do not bc deceived. Do not trust in the past, do not allow your understanding of the future to be controlled by what you have seen or what you’ve heard because God has things for this city that your eyes have not seen, your ears have not heard and not entered into your understanding.
The Lord would say to you this day the cup is not half empty, the cup is half full and it is going to increase and it is going to increase and it is going to increase and the waters are going to flow. the waters are going to flow, the waters of life, the waters of healing, the waters of restoration, the waters of hope, the waters arc going to flow. The presence of God is coming to Melbourne.
The Lord will go forth with a shout, the waters will come to the parched lands, the fatherless will find they have a father, the widows and orphans will have hope again.
The time is coming when healings and miracles are not going to be the exception but they arc going to become the norm. A time is coming when teachers. when principals, when politicians – you are not going to have to call them to find favour with them, but they are going to be calling church leaders to find favor with the church. And they are going to say, “Can you send this one to lead a prayer meeting? Can you send this one to speak at an assembly? Can you send this one to pray over our meeting?” The Lord says that the time is coming that He is doing something in the very depth of this city that you would not
believe even if you were told.
The Lord says His glory will go forth in Melbourne.
There are waves. There tidal waves that arc coming upon the parched lands, upon this island of Australia. The flow of God’s Spirit will cover the nation. He has sovereignly chosen this nation. He has sovereignly chosen a nation where other nations sent their prisoners and their convicts to. And out of the waste places, out of the places that no one would think, God gives birth to salvation. And the Lord says that there arc going to be messengers of fire going from Melbourne and going from Australia to the ends of the earth. There are going to be messengers of fire. There arc going to be messengers of the consuming fires of God’s presence going from Australia to the ends of the earth. And they are going to say, “Have you heard, do you understand what God did in the dry places of my home? Do you understand that the waters came to the parched lands and springs rose up where there were no springs? The fire fell where there was no fire.” The Lord has His hand upon this nation. The Lord has His hand upon this nation.
There is a race being run today, the fore-runner spirit has been released upon the church, to ascend the high places and bring down the mountains, to go to the low places and raise up the valley – to prepare the way for the Lord. The fore-runner spirit has been released in Australia and those forerunners arc going to go to the ends of the earth. They’re not just going to walk from blessing to blessing, But they’re going to run from glory to glory.
Long ago, long before the foundation of this world began, God desired to create this Great Island that to many would appear a waste place, a place of a huge desert. But God says in His wisdom He chooses what appears as foolishness to men, So He said go ahead send the prisoners, Send the poor, Send the outcast because I am going to do something that according to the foolishness of the wisdom of man is utter foolishness, but I will be glorified in this island and I will send that glory to the nations.
Do not be deceived, do not bc disheartened do not be hopeless, do not trust in the status quo, do not trust in tradition, do not allow your understanding of the future to bc controlled by the past. God is doing something in these days you would not believe if you were told.
Prayer Points from Word by Marc Dupont – prepared by Linda Straw for Clarion Collective.
• We have been chosen for a move of God • Not a man or a movement but those who are hungry and thirsty.
• The call to become a message
• The call to reflect His heart
• The call to have hope
• The call to influence a City – A church with answers and power – Healings and Miracles
• The call to release Missionaries into our nation and across the earth
• God’s glory released in our nation and then released to other nations.
Larry Sparks, Prophetic Decrees Over Australia, November 12, 2018
Full word here:
- It’s your time, Australia! We say AWAKEN!
- It’s time for reformation.
- It’s time for those under the influence of Holy Spirit to step into places of influence and serve with the love and power of Jesus.
- It’s time for intercessors to emerge and govern the spiritual airways.
- It’s time for prophets to prophesy a nation’s destiny.
Church of Australia, the wineskin is expanding. Across the earth, the old is breaking. It won’t contain the new. Church of Australia, I prophesy the Lord is calling you forth as the “Ekklesia of Australia!”
You are not a building people come to; you are a people that nations come to.
You are not a place where people simply come on Sunday; you are a thin place, connecting the disconnected people, places and even spheres of influence with the Presence of God.
Awakening Australia, you are a convergence point for the Ekklesia. Gone are the days of conferences where people are simply informed and entertained. Yes, there will still be teaching, preaching and music—but the Lord is calling you to see this as a place where multiple streams of the Ekklesia will converge and do business in the heavenlies on behalf of a nation’s destiny.
I prophesy that this point of convergence is marked by intercession and agreement with Heaven. I even see the Lord ushering whole gatherings into His counsel, where He unveils His plans and strategies for the nation, unveils them to an entire body of people, and then calls the Ekklesia to prophesy forth what He revealed in those gatherings.
Australia, you were called La Austrialia del Espíritu Santo—the Great Southland of the Holy Spirit! The statement was not happenstance; it was a prophetic marker that announced the destiny of a nation.
It’s time Australia! You have exported to the nations, and you will continue to. But it’s time for an importation—you will import from an open Heaven! It’s your time to see a revival in the land that shifts culture, ushers in the harvest, and establishes a sheep nation.
So, nations of the Earth, let’s bring our prayers into agreement with the prophetic destiny of our brothers and sister in Australia. Let’s prophesy according to those books in Heaven and declare that it’s TIME for an Awakening in Australia that shifts culture in that nation and FLOODS the Earth with glory!
Prayer Points from Word by Larry Sparks (and others below) prepared by Linda Straw for Clarion Collective.
• For Australia to awaken and the Ekklesia to arise.
• For His army to arise and shine as worshipping warriors.
• That we would be a people that nations come to.
• For a great awakening once more, and that our Land would be restored as the Great South Land of the Holy Spirit.
• To see a revival in the land that shifts culture, ushers in the harvest, and establishes Australia as a sheep nation.
• That universities will be set on fire with Revivalists, and the Fire of the Holy Spirit.
• For the Lord to breathe on and come to the First Nations People like never before.
• For the Rock of ages to rock the New Age movement.
• For new worship to arise, and stadiums filled for prayer.
David Wagner, Stairway Church, Deeper Conference – Session 3 November 2012
I hear the Lord saying that I am releasing a global awakening out of this nation. For I am about to release a shaking. A shaking of the heavens and a shaking of the earth. I am bringing forth a movement of My Spirit and this nation shall be known as the nation that releases the vibration of the voice and the move of the Spirit of God around the earth. Some will even begin to feel in the natural like the earth is in the midst of an earthquake., but scientists will not be able to explain it for it will not be a natural thing it will be a spiritual thing. I am bringing an adjustment and I am bringing an alignment. For I have brought you out of transition and I am setting you into position. For I have moved you into a season that is simply known as The Next. I am bringing you not into a new chapter, a new day or even a new book. I am bringing you into a new era. I am bringing you into a time where heaven and earth collide. For I am releasing says the Lord the secrets that have been hidden. I am unlocking the treasure chests. I am getting ready says the Lord to heap upon you that which was hidden and that which has been kept unto this moment.
Outpouring and ambush
I am getting ready says the Lord to breathe upon first nations people. I am getting ready to come to the indigenous people of this nation like never before and I am causing the enemy to back out of the outback. Those that have been involved in the new age shall begin to encounter the Rock of Ages. For I heard the Lord say I am releasing new weaponry. Many have said Lord give us breakthrough, but breakthrough is not what I have required or designed for you. I have desired praise-through. For when you praise me in spite of your storm, in spite of your circumstance I set an ambush for the enemy. Out of this conference the enemy is being ambushed in Australia. I feel like the enemy is confused. He doesn’t know which way to turn. He doesn’t know which way to go so he is going down! I am causing warfare to turn to worship for the Lord says you have gone up as worshippers to come down as warriors to go back up as worshippers to come back down as warriors.
And the Lord says that this is the season where I am destroying, abolishing, removing the thrones of the enemy from this land. Where he has occupied thrones of government. Where he has occupied thrones of culture. Where he has occupied thrones of economic and commerce things. The Lord says I am debunking him. I am removing him from the midst and righteousness shall rule in the land like never before. For it is a season not only of headlines but it is a season of history. You will see more done in a moment than you’ve seen in lifetimes. I feel like there is about to be a release of momentum upon the church in Australia that you’re going to see God do more in the next three years than you’ve seen in the last 300. I believe that there is a new outpouring. There is a new awakening. In fact, I would say this to you by the Spirit of the Lord there is an uprising in this land. A generation is rising up. A people are crying out and the Spirit of the Lord is rising up inside of them and pouring out on them simultaneously.
And I feel like the Lord said that He is about to be seen in the streets of Melbourne.
Australia first – Miraculous Melbourne
It’s time to seize the moment. It’s time to maximise the moment. Do not be distracted when I am breaking you through. Do not be distracted. Do not look to the left or to the right. More than ever before keep your eyes on the ark. Keep your eyes on the presence of God. For surely you have never been this way before. It’s about to happen here first. This shall be a nation of firsts. Instead of it being exported from another place here, it will be exported from here to elsewhere. I saw the borders of this land opening up. This shall be a sanctuary nation. A place not only where I will dwell and abide but a place even for the Jews. I feel like this is going to be one of those gathering places where they will come for safety before they return to Jerusalem.
And I saw the blessings of heaven opening up. I am releasing upon this nation the blessings of Abraham. I am opening up says the Lord the storehouses, the windows and the gates. Lift up your heads oh yea gates and the King of Glory will come in. Who is this King of Glory? The Lord strong and mighty. The Lord of Hosts is His name. And I’m hearing Spirit of the Lord saying the God angel armies is getting ready to release the host of heaven. I saw this being a landing strip and a launching pad nation where angels are going to gather to receive their assignment and carry it out throughout the earth. I heard the Lord say that even as the end of this year comes and the beginning of the next year comes, I am launching you to higher heights. I am taking you to deeper depths. I am causing you to go from glory to glory and faith to faith. There is a contagious, continuous, perpetual and move of the Spirit of God that is about to sweep through this land. Miracles in the streets of Melbourne.
Supernatural being released in the schools of Sydney. Boldness being proclaimed in Brisbane. I saw the Lord visiting every province. I saw the Lord getting ready to pour out in Tasmania like never before. And those that had been hidden and those that had been in isolation are coming forth. I am calling forth the Davids to come out of the cave. I am calling forth the Elijahs to come out of your cave. For many have been in hiding but I will not talk to you in the cave but like I said to David, like I said to Elijah, like I said to many of the prophets of old, come out from among them. Come out from there and come up here and I will show you a thing you have never seen or never known before. The Lord says you’re coming out of the cave and coming up to the mountain. Coming out of the valley and coming into the mountain of change. Get ready says the Lord.
And many have said that it would be too hard. But as I told Elijah and so I tell you tonight , there are still not 7000 who have not bowed. There are still those who have not bowed to the false, to the fake to the phoney. And I have released a gift of discernment upon this nation. While others are being deceived there is a clarity, a clarification. There is the sound of my voice that will penetrate the darkness from this land like never before. Get ready to take your place. I am positioning you. I have heard your cry. I have heard your cry. I have heard the cry of the chosen and I am preparing the way for my people like never before. The moment you’ve been waiting for is not coming four months from now, four years from now, forty years from now but it is here now. The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand says the Spirit of the Lord. I believe something is being released right now. And you have an opportunity to do something. You have an opportunity to agree with heaven. You don’t have to agree with me, but I would agree with heaven!
Come on, I believe there’s going to be signs as you come into Sydney and Melbourne airports that say Welcome to Australia – it’s like heaven on earth. I mean can you imagine a place that as soon as you get off the plane and hit the atmosphere of a city so filled with the presence of God, that sickness leaves, cancerous tumours fall off . People that are crazy come into their right mind. I’m here to tell you that God is still a dreamer and that He’s about to release the dreams of God into this nation like never before. I’m telling you that what’s happening is not a church movement but it’s a nation-wide movement. I hear the sound of a locomotive leaving the station. And I hear the voice of the Spirit saying – All aboard! All aboard! All aboard! Now if you miss this train there’s another one coming but if I were you I’d just go ahead and get on right now. You are not the little brother of the world but the anointing of kings and priests. There is the royal anointing getting ready.
The season of unveiling
Can I tell you something? The enemy has been afraid of this moment. This has been a nation that God before the foundations of the earth set up and he made it to be like a place of David’s army being gathered. Where some of the misfits in society were gathered in a place. And some said that they were outcasts or sent to be penalised but God said he brought them here so they could be overcomers and pioneers and He kept this place hidden for a season. But now the veil has been torn and this is what I saw about 5 o’clock this afternoon as I was praying: it was as if continent and the nation of Australia was covered by a veil just like if you would go to an art museum or art gallery and you were getting ready for the unveiling of the art piece. And only the artist has seen it up until that point when all of a sudden he removes the veil, he removes the covering and all of a sudden you see the masterpiece that has come from the hands of the master. Hear me people of God. Hear me people of Australia THIS IS THE SEASON OF UNVEILING. There’s a very important assignment upon this place. It’s to prepare the bride. I’ve been hearing the wedding march.
I believe that this is going to be a nation that is a fortress for families. I believe that because of a church being whole and is made whole and making the nation whole that you’ll begin to see the decline in divorce rates. This is going to be a nation that gives life. I’m telling you right now. The word’s been thrown out and it’s been misused, it’s been marketed and merchandised and all of those things but if I could say one word that would describe the next few years in Australia it would be the word “transformation”. It’s as if you are a nation that’s like a butterfly getting ready to emerge from the cocoon. You started one way, but now there’s a coming out. You’re seeing differently. You’re feeling differently. You’re hearing differently. I’m telling you there’s no place like this place on earth. And this land is going to turn the world upside down. There is a book of Acts anointing on Australia. And in the same way the early apostles and disciples turned the world upside down. There’s and Acts 17 anointing in this room. You’re a bunch of troublemakers! History will record it like that. They were those that caused trouble all over the world. Something’s changing. Something’s shifting. Something’s moving.
I’ve been coming here for the last couple of years. And every time it’s like wave, upon wave, upon wave of the glory of God just hits me. I’m telling you right now you’re a blessed people. You’re about to see Jesus like you’ve never seen him before. You’re about to make Him known. You’re about to make Him known to powers and principalities. The gates of heaven are getting ready to open up in this place. The windows of heaven are opening. God is getting ready to pour out upon you a blessing you cannot contain.
David Wagner Stairway Church, August 8, 2011
A Sustained Move of God
I just heard the Spirit of the Lord say behold I’ve come to do a new thing for you’ve never seen it happen before, you’ve never seen it done before and the Lord says I’m initiating change and in fact the winds of change are blowing across this place and blowing across Whitehorse, Melbourne in Australia like never before.
For I am illuminating and igniting something that will usher in an end time move of the Spirit. And the Lord says Get Ready for I am bringing to you a sustained move of God that will not just be designed but it will be sovereign and even as you would see different moves and revivals and things taking place in other regions and other nations the Lord says what I begin to birth in this particular house, in this particular church, in this particular city would be one that I would start and would not come to an end but I will increase it, I will light the fire, I will maintain it, I will release the resources.
Positioned like Antioch
And I heard the Lord say that I’m passing a baton, I’m placing a mantle upon Australia as a nation and there is a generation that is rising up that shall be like forerunners, for I am releasing the John the Baptists, the Elijah’s, the Ezekiel’s of this day, the Esther’s, the Deborah’s are coming to the forefront, for I’ve make this place a training centre and equipping centre, I’ve positioned you like Antioch in the earth that would receive them and then launch them, train them then send them to bring them from even they’re kind of spiritual diaper stage and launch them into places of destiny.
Opening up the nation
For the Lord said that I have called you as Kingdom pioneers and priests to begin to usher in this new age and this new season in the church. And I saw the hand of the Lord opening up a door, and it was like Jesus was the greeter at the door and as the door was opened it looked like the corridor was narrow but it was like filled with light and as you began to walk into it, it began to just open up and get wider and wider and I felt like the Lord said get ready, for the Lord says that I am opening up those doors and what looked like a crack, the Lord says walk through it and I will begin to cause the whole nation to open up to you like never before.
Releasing His sound
The Lord says I am sending the reinforcements, I am sending those who would be fully trained, that would come with like heart, like precious spirit, those that would come not for a pay check but those who would come simply to lay down their life.
And the Lord says that it can happen here, for I’m going to begin to restore the dream and I’m going to begin to restore My vision and My passion among the people of Australia like never before. And I saw a song and a sound being birthed and I felt like the Lord said this, that there’s Hillsong and there’s His Song, and I felt like there’s His Song is about to be released out of this place and it’s not anything against that movement or that sound, but I felt like the Lord said He’s changing it to His Song and there’s a sound that’s getting ready to be released in this region like never before, it’s a song of the Father’s heart and it’s going to begin to beat, it’s going to begin to release, it’s going to begin to capture like never before.
The Harvest
And I saw angels that were ascending and descending like the sister was saying. What I saw was the angels with tanks and with weaponry going up and I saw angels driving John Deere tractors coming down. And I enquired of the Lord and He said these words to me, that I am causing the warriors to come back. They’re going up because the battle has already been won and now I’m sending what was a battlefield and I’ve turned it into a harvest field. And I saw these angels that gather, coming forth, driving combines and such, beginning to gather up the harvest that was already ripe, and I heard the Lord say that it’s ripe and His promise to you is that it will not rot. It’s ripe and His promise to you is that it will not rot.
The Lord says that I’m going to begin to release joy and peace and righteousness like never before. And I just saw, I kept hearing the words transformation, that this is a transformation station, that you are like a department of transformation, that lives are going to be changed and transformed and that an entire city’s going to be changed and transformed. And I just really feel like that this is the season where you’re about to see city-wide and nation-wide transformation that’s really begun to be birthed out of the heartbeat of God and I sense that this is a time of discovery and a time of unlocking like never before.
Strategies for Reaching the City
And I just heard the Spirit of the Lord say will you trust Me in this? Will you trust Me with My church, and will you trust Me in this new season? For the Lord says that I did not call you to follow a pattern of man, to follow the principles of this thing and this thing, I called you to establish those principles, I called you to establish those patterns and I heard the Lord say that I’m releasing something that looks very much like the Book of Acts in 2011.
And the Lord says that I am establishing even Kingdom reign and government and identity like never before and the Lord says that Apostolic vision that I’ve placed within this church to go beyond the walls of the church and go beyond the wall of just the day to day.
And the Lord says that I am going to give to you a city-reaching strategy for the Lord says that you shall win the multitudes even one life and one family at a time. And I saw the Spirit of the Lord beginning to knock on doors and I heard the Lord say that this is even going to be the year of entire household salvations. It’s like I saw the Lord going door to door in this community and I saw acts of love and acts of service and the acts and the actions of God in action and I saw this release of everything that has been held back coming upon you.
And I heard the Lord say I am opening up unusual doors for the Lord says that even in this next year the Lord says that I’m going to get ready to release spokes out of the hub. And I saw this thing, like a hub and I saw spokes going out and it was like they were going to different parts of the region. They were going to different parts of the nation and different parts of the nations. And I saw arrows on fire going out of Australia, circumnavigating the globe and then coming right back to this place, being refuelled, refired and sent again.
And I felt like this is a time the Lord says that the walls of resistance are coming in the community; and the Lord says that I’m going to begin to cause you to have a direct effect, even in political realms, even in city-wide realms. And the Lord says that I’m about to invade the schools and the universities around this area. And the Lord says that I shall begin to sustain it and maintain a flame within you and I heard the Lord say that I’m an all-consuming fire and I saw the fire of God resting upon this place. Even as I was with Moses, even as I was with the people in the wilderness and there was a cloud by day and a fire by night, so have I designed you.
Out of Australia
You’re about to have a new, upward vision, you’re about to have an upward vision. You’re about to see into the heavenly realms like never before. You’re going to have a new inward vision, that you’re going to begin to see the potential of God and I felt this place vibrating with the move of the Spirit. I saw this place vibrating with the potential of God. And I also saw a new outward vision, that I felt like the Lord said there’s about to be explosive growth, not just here locally, but in even greater dimensions globally. And in some ways, you’re going to team up with people who are already doing it, and in many ways you’re going to begin to pioneer things that have never been done before. And I felt like the Lord said out of Australia I’m going to cause, I’m going to begin to cause Asia to shine with the light and the glory of God. And I feel like the Lord is saying it’s time to act fast, that there’s a three year window, a three door that is standing open in front of you and if you don’t step into it, if you do not follow the momentum of the Spirit, you’re going to begin to lose ground and those doors will slowly begin to shut.
Glory storm
But over the next couple of years there’s a governmental change that’s getting ready to take place in Australia. And there shall even come a Christian party that’s going to begin to emerge, they shall stand for righteousness. And at first, people will think it’s just a fluke, that there’s no way it could have influence, but I’m changing the very heart of a nation. I’m changing the very heart of a people, and the Lord says that I’m putting My harvest and I’m putting all that I am and all that I have into this place. For there had been a mantle of missions upon America, and a mantle of missions upon Europe, but they have dropped the ball and turned into themselves, so I’ve passed the torch and the mantle and I’ve called you to run as forerunner flames of the Spirit. To go and to gather the harvest, to go and to gather the lost sons and daughters of God, for I am about to cause a storm over Australia, a storm over Whitehorse, a storm over Melbourne, a storm over Victoria, a storm over this place like never before. It shall be known as the glory storm, for you have known the anointing, but now you shall know the glory, you have known the anointing, but now you shall know the glory, you have known the anointing, but now you shall know the glory, you have known the anointing, but now you shall know the glory.
For My glory shall be seen upon you and I am causing says the Lord, there to be a fulfilment of Isaiah 61: ‘Arise and shine, for the light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you’. Most people could not handle the glory, they would cave, they would die in the glory of God, but the Lord says that I have called you to walk, not as Moses walked, who had to walk in veiled face, but I am unveiling you, do not hide it, do not sugar-coat it, do not try to explain it, do not try to say well this is that, this is what we’re doing and the Lord says no, just simply say this is that which was promised. When I said that I would pour out My Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and daughters will prophesy, the Lord says do not apologize for what I am giving to you, and some will say: well what are they doing? The Lord says do not listen to they, do not listen to them, do not listen to the naysayers.
I’ve called you to go ahead and go first, and I saw the Lord paving the way for you, and I saw you paving the way for the Lord, for it is time once again, to prepare the way, as John prepared the way for the first coming, I am anointing the church in Australia to prepare for the second coming, but before I come for My church I’m coming to My church.
And the Lord says do you feel My heart, it beats for you, it beats for Whitehorse, it beats for Melbourne, for indeed how appropriate, for I am coming back on a white horse, the Lord says that I have placed you in a place called Whitehorse, and I’m causing there to be a parody upon this suburb; but I’m causing there to be a parody upon the people and the Lord says that you will know the transformation has come coz I’m about to transform public schools and universities; and you will begin to see a parody of heart begin to emerge and you will see those that begin to arrive above the whole tall poppy syndrome. For the Lord says that I am breaking the spirit of mediocrity off of the people and I am breaking the fear of failure off of them, but I’m also breaking the fear of success off of them and the Lord says that they shall begin to excel. And I saw eagles flying out of this place and I heard the Lord say I call you an eagles nest, I call you an eagles nest, and I am sending those eagles out of this place, I’m sending eagles out of this place.
But city-wide transformation is about to take place; you’re about to see a drop in the crime rate; you’re about to see a drop in the addiction rate; you’re about to see hospitals emptied out; you’re about to see people walk in sound minds; you’re about to see people finish what they start; you’re about to see the out of wedlock birth rate completely drop and diminish. There’ll be no need for abortions; there’ll be no need for those things for the Lord says I am releasing a habitation of the Spirit of God. This is My city, and this is My time; this is My city, and this is your time. The Lord says you can either look at it, or you can grab a hold of it and just take it, for the Lord said that you do not have to make anything happen. You don’t even have to be able to figure it out, you just have to do what I’ve told you to do.
And even as it’s an amazing thing I also feel like it’s a humbling thing, and I feel like there’s a real, because you’ve been humble in it, you’ve not exalted yourself, and this is what I really have felt in my spirit coming here, and listening even to the couple of testimonies this morning, is that you weren’t winning people to the church, you were winning people to Jesus. It wasn’t you were saying come to our church, you were saying come to Jesus. And there’ll be a few people who won’t like the new, some will say and even accuse you of leaving them, this will become one of your favourite phrases – we’re not leaving you, we’re just following Him! And I just feel like there’s that bravery and that boldness to leave what you’ve known. I feel this heart and this call of Abraham upon the nation of Australia and upon this church in particular, to leave what you’ve known, to go where you’re not going, to go to the place where you don’t even know where you’re going, it’s just simply a place called There! And you know when you get there, and you know when you arrive, you’re there. Lord, I thank You that Lord, this is a time of peeling back. I had this vision coming into Brisbane on Friday, I saw Australia as an onion, and the Lord was just peeling it back, one layer at a time, as the layers were being peeled back and I finally got to the centre, and in the centre was a beautiful diamond that was heart-shaped. And I felt like the Lord said that the Lord is pulling back generations of layers, in the middle is this diamond in the rough, and I feel like this is going to be a time when the Lord’s going to show you the value of what Australia was really created for. Lord, I thank You for the uprising in the young people, Lord I thank You for the uprising, Lord for those that are not content or satisfied with what they’ve seen or had before. Lord, I thank You that Lord, in this next season it can be basically and purposefully described as this – constant change is here to stay. Lord, I don’t know how You do it, but You’re the same yesterday, today and forever but it always seems like You’re changing. You’re not changing, but we’re changing. Lord, You’re changing us, so Lord I thank You Lord that You are taking us from glory to glory and from faith to faith
David Wagner, A Year of Recalibration Prophetic Word, Stairway Church, Sunday 26 Feb PM 2017
God has come to pour out His spirit on this nation like never before. I hear the Lord saying that I’m about to fill the ovals. I’m about to fill the ovals of this nation with glory and I’m about to release upon public stadiums in this nation, miracle upon miracle upon miracle. And I don’t know when it is but i believe that in the next year God is going to do a multi stadium event across this state. I saw it from the east to the west and the north to the south and I saw the Lord crisscrossing the nation.
I felt like the Lord said I’m releasing over the next 2 and 3 years, millions of souls that have hung in the balance, that have been in the place of the valley of decision. And the Lord says that I am declaring a new season over the nation of Australia and the name of that season is Salvation. For I’m about to save households and families.
I’m about to move in Parliament and I’m about to move in shires. I’m going to move from the local level into the federal level and you’re about to see my hand like never before.
And I’m shaking the church awake. I’m shaking the church awake. I’m shaking the traditional church and I’m shaking those people that thought they had me all figured out. This is going to be a year of breaking boxes and breaking down walls. This is going to be a season of going beyond what you’ve seen or known before.
I heard the Lord kept saying that this is a Psalm 24 year for Stairway. That this is a season to Lift up your heads, you gates; and open up the everlasting doors, that the King of glory may come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty in battle. The Lord of hosts is His name. I believe that the Lord of host is about to release the host of heaven. And I saw the host of heaven being like scribes in this place; writing down the word of the Lord that is spoken and as soon as it’s spoken I saw them running and carrying it out.
I feel like the Lord said you’re about to get caught up in the fury. You’re about to get caught up in the fury of angelic activity in the days that are ahead. For I’m releasing angels of mercy. I’m releasing angels of mercy.
The Lord says I’m ushering you into a new era, into a new season of the miraculous like never before. I’ve been realigning some things and working some things out in schedules and agendas. And I’ve been causing you not to do things you’ve always done and to step into things that you’ve never done. And some people were scratching their heads saying this doesn’t make sense, we’ve always done it this way, but there is a new way for the new day. There is a new way for the new thing that I’m bringing you into. And the Lord said behold I’ve come to do a new thing. It’s called a new thing on purpose because it’s something you’ve never seen or experienced before.
The Lord said I’m causing this to be a turnaround year for the nation of Australia, where it seems like right became left and left became right and things were upside down. And I’m causing this season to be a season where I begin to intervene in marriage and I’m about to intervene in schools and I’m about to intervene in this next generation. And the promise of the Lord is this, if a remnant will rise, you will not go in the way of America. If a remnant will rise, you will not go in the way of other nations. But you will be one who will stand true and stand strong and you will be a voice crying out.
And get ready says the Lord, for I am about to build a bridge and I am about to use some Australian prophetic voices to go to America to ring some bells and to bring some common sense and to bring some words that are about to awaken nations. For I am awakening the prophetic voice in Australia to cry out in Europe, to cry out in the Americas, to cry out in Africa like never before. The season of silence has come to an end. The season of delay and even disappointment is over.
And I felt like what the Lord showed me today, was a very graphic picture and I saw many people holding dead babies and I felt like the Lord said that the season of spiritual miscarriages and abortions are over. And I feel like it is prophetic and a spiritual thing, but I also felt like the Lord said that He is about to begin to tip the scales of justice for the unborn in Australia and I feel like there is going to be a time where I felt the Lord said that I am making this an outpost nation with the word. And I felt like the Lord said I am awakening the Samuels. I am awakening the Samuels. Those who lay their head in the presence of God. Those who choose the ark of the covenant says the Lord, as their pillow. Those who will have a word in season, where the Eli’s are blind and the word of the Lord is rare, I am raising up Samuels who will begin to release a tipping point and begin to open up the hearts.
For many of you have been contending and you said, Lord, I thought it was going to get easier, Lord I’ve heard about a coming revival and it seems like the heavens are brass and we’re hitting walls. The Lord said I’m pulling back the layers and I am knocking down the walls. For you have been in the season of increased warfare because the enemy is definitely afraid of the glorious church that is rising up in the nation of Australia. And I felt like the Lord said that I am tearing down powers and principalities.
I’m clearing the heavens out and I feel like the Lord is saying that this is going to be a season where I am going to begin to open things up that have been shut for you. And I felt this really strong. That the Lord is going to raise up, there is going to be a prophetic declaration from the floor of parliament. I feel like some will have a prepared speech but when they open their mouth, the Lord is going to take over their words. I heard the Lord say, the stalemate is over! I feel like there have been some things that have been a stalemate in government where things were just stuck and I saw the Lord just removing the whole lot. The wind of the Lord is coming and He will begin to reshape some things, even culturally like never before.
And I saw a bridge, and the bridge was the church that will bridge the gap of the cultural divide. And I felt this really strong, that the Lord says this is not a season to give up. It is not a season to give in. But this is a season to engage like never before. And I feel like the Lord is even releasing new rules of engagement for you in the Spirit. I feel like even as there has been a lot of warfare, I heard these words very clearly this afternoon. I am clearing the air over Australia. I am clearing the air in Melbourne. And I just feel that the Lord is about to something as we transition from February into March. I felt like the Lord is saying that in March, I am giving you your marching orders. The Lord is about to release marching orders to begin to move in into the new thing and into the new territory. I felt like the Lord said that the season of delay and disappointment of the last season has come to an end. For you are in a turn – around moment in the Spirit. And I felt like the Lord said, Joel’s army is rising up in Australia. Your sons and your daughters are about to prophecy. And it’s not going to be in a microphone at the front of the church but it’s going to be in the public schools and in the public sector. And I felt like there is a cry in the land that is saying, we have had enough. And I felt like the Lord is saying that it is going to be a nation of true truth. Right now, there are mantels falling on you. There are batons being put in your hands to begin to step into the next level. It is a season of girding up. It is a season of picking up. I feel like some of you have laid down your armour. Some of you have laid down, but it is time to get up. Some of you felt like you couldn’t go any further, but I’m telling you, do not give up, get up! Do not give up, get up!
And I felt like many of you right now are about to be raised up to a new level, to a new place of visibility. Those of you have learned to be hidden in the Spirit, He wants you to know that you are seen in the eyes of God. I felt like the Lord said, that he is declaring in this year, He is restoring the awe in Australia. He is restoring, He is bringing the awe of the Lord in Australia like never before. And I felt like He is releasing some things that have been pending. I saw the Lord passing petitions that many of you have been petitioning Heaven. Lord would you save my husband, Lord would you save my son, Lord would you save this business, Lord would you save this house. And I felt that the Lord was putting the stamp of approval down. And I feel like this is a season where He is passing petitions. It is the year of answered prayer for many of you in this place.
I saw people coming, I saw people standing in line and they weren’t coming to a meeting, they weren’t coming to a conference, they were coming to be equipped. They were standing in a queue, waiting to be equipped. And they were coming from the Pacific Rim, they were coming from Asia, they were coming from Africa, they were coming from America. I just feel like there is going to be many Americans who are going to come to Australia to be equipped, to be sent back to America to release the dream of God into the “American Dream”. I believe right now, we are standing at the crossroads of history. You are standing in the gap, you are minding the gap. The Lord is showing me again, these stadiums, these ovals filled with people. And this is the miraculous thing about it, it wasn’t just a conference, they were prayer meetings. I saw prayer meetings coming of 90,000 in Melbourne and 90,000 in Sydney. It was like I saw standing room only filled to capacity for prayer. I feel like there is about to be a day, I can’t explain it, but I feel like the Lord is going to win the heart of this nation in a day. It’s going to come through prayer becoming a lifestyle. Come on, there is no more tenacious people on the planet than Aussies.
Right now, God is about to move and unite hearts. Very unusual, but it was almost as if I saw all of these hands intertwined. People holding hands around the entire nation. I said, Lord that looks impossible and what He said to me is this, there is about to be a movement among the people of God and I feel like some that have been staunched, those that have spoken up the most against God, those that have spoken up the most against the church. I felt the Lord say that they are going to become the most radical lovers of God in this next season.
Mark my words says the Lord, you’re going to read about the miracles of God and hear about the miracles of God through the media. I saw like the morning news reporting on the miracle at the hospital. I feel like there’s about to be amazing miracles among children and families this year. So, Lord we just declare it… I’m releasing a prophetic word over you. It’s national, it’s corporate but we need to make it personal right now. He’s not talking at you, He’s not talking over you, He’s talking right to you. Every one of us has a part to play.
So, Lord right now in Jesus’ name, Lord we say let it be so in Melbourne, let it be so in Victoria, let it be so in Australia, let it be so in Stairway. Let it be so in our houses, in our families, in our neighbourhoods Lord. Lord some of it sounds so ridiculous and so outrageous. That’s how we know it’s you Lord. I thank you Lord right now that this is going to be a ridiculous year of outrageous favour to those who are ridiculously and outrageously obedient to you God. From the point of love, from the outlook of love, from the perspective of love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
I believe right now, there is a recalibration and I wouldn’t miss it, I wouldn’t miss one moment of what He wants to do in this place like never before. We were singing about ‘My Heart Burns’ and I felt like the Lord said that His heart burns for you. I believe you are a nation that’s going to declare like the disciples, “Didn’t our hearts burn within us, didn’t our hearts burn within us”. Right now, I believe that burning hearts will become turning hearts. That you are about to see the Lord turn the hearts of fathers to their children, and children back to their fathers but I also believe it is the year of the Father coming to Australia. We’ve had encounters with Jesus and the Holy Spirit but I believe that this is the year where the Father is coming like never before. Where the nature of the Father is about to be revealed in amazing, even mysterious ways.
David Wagner, Prophecy for Stairway Church, February 2012
I saw people everywhere, thousands maybe tens of thousands of people and as they were just walking by I could see their silhouettes but as I got close I saw their faces and the faces that I saw were highly unusual – they were pearls. The Lord said that these were the pearls of great price and not only were they the pearls of great price but they were the pearls of testimony and if you know anything about the book of revelation when it talks about heaven it talks about the gates being made of pearl and really what I saw was that the Lord was about to fill this city with testimony and that He was harvesting the pearls.
I don’t know fully how to describe what I’m feeling but I know that it’s beyond revival, I know that it’s beyond outpouring – I don’t believe there’s actually a name or description yet for what God’s about to do in Stairway, what God’s about to do in Melbourne, what God’s about to do in this part of the world.
It’s as if the eye of God is really focussed in, has zeroed in on what’s happening and it’s as if I just keep hearing the sound of heaven saying, “all aboard, all aboard”.
I just felt like there’s this army that is rising, I tried to doze back off, and as soon as I closed my eyes, I heard this sound of a shaking and a rattling. In the shaking and the rattling, I saw dry bones coming to life. And the Lord was taking me to Ezekiel 37 and Ezekiel says, “so I did as I was commanded” which you can literally translate “so I did my job”. When he did his job; bone came to bone and there was a shaking and a rattling, and I don’t say this lightly, but I believe that this is going to be a city that raises this dead. I believe that it’s not just you’re going be sent from here to go do it, but I believe it’s really going to begin to happen here.
I heard the Lord say the seasons isn’t just changing but your entering a new era. An era that is transitioning the values of the culture and the Lord spoke to me that this church will determine what happens next.
I’m not saying it lightly – I’m telling you right now God is putting His finger upon you and I believe this church is going determine what happens next. And you need to understand the weight of it but you also need to understand the honour of it.
I believe there’s this heart cry from God, I believe that He’s asked other people to do it in the past and they didn’t and so I feel like there’s mantles that have been dropped are coming on you. I believe mantles of old, I believe apostolic mantles of the book of acts are being released here. I don’t fully understand it, but I don’t think I need to understand it to just release it.
I believe this is the season that as it goes with the church so will it go with the world, you’re stepping into the tipping point of power. And it’s a season to push back and I felt like the Lord was saying that He’s releasing an anointing to push back the darkness, there’s an anointing to push back the darkness so it’s no longer about maintaining and holding ground but it’s actually evicting the enemy and beginning to take new ground.
I felt like there’s a poverty spirit being broken off Australia but also like the spirit of mammon that sometimes people hoard because they are afraid of what might come and I felt like God was overthrowing that and releasing the spirit of His wealth and the wealth of the glory of God is rising upon you.
There is a fatherhood epidemic going on in the earth – It’s happening in my country, it’s happening here and really I believe because there’s been an absence of father there’s been an absence of provision and there’s been an absence of protection.
And really what Australia and Melbourne needs is not another professional preacher, not another production but we need fathers, we need mothers.
And I believe that God is anointing Stairway Church to remove the dysfunction and to release the function. I believe that this man of God is an apostolic father to Australia. He is an apostolic father to Australia.
But there is an emergence of the fatherhood of God, I don’t believe it’s gender related, there is the essence of who He is, there is the anointing and the identity of the fatherhood of God that’s coming to Australia in such a way that is going to release such a functional Christianity, such a functional move of the spirit of God that it’s going to sweep through this nation, that it’s going to sweep through the earth. It’s going to be more powerful than you’ve ever seen or ever known before.
I really believe the significance of Kevin Dedman being here for these days and all of that is because I believe the true heart of an evangelist is getting ready to sweep through the body, sweep through the church and there is an awakening where the evangelist will no longer be bound to just go preach a two or three day revival in a church but it will sweep through the streets.
God is about to bring definition to a move of God. I believe it is something that is not Bethel, it is not Toronto, it is not Pensacola, it is not any other, it is not Argentina, it’s not Sydney, it’s not Hillsong, it’s not…
There is a unique move of God that God is about to birth in Melbourne and I believe it’s going to go global like never before. But I believe there is something that is being released, connected to it, more than any other movement that I’ve ever seen in the earth. Out of this place there’s going to be a fruitfulness and it’s not just going to be spiritual granola (fruits, flakes and nuts). There is a fruitfulness where God is releasing the fruits of the spirit to match the gifts of the spirit, there’s a fruitfulness that people are actually making disciples, building disciples, raising up men and women of God.
What I’m saying, I’m not taking lightly. I am literally shaking and trembling on the inside of me right now, because the harvest is so large, it’s so at hand.
It’s those pearls that I saw early this morning that I can’t shake. It’s those pearls that I see walking through the streets the last couple of days, just going into cafés and going to different places. Seeing the pearls that are right in front of us because it is harvest time.
Let me give you another very specific word.
God is up to something and this is your time.
Something and time.
But God is up to something. Again, you’re going to begin to define what that something is, but the true evangelists are getting ready to emerge like never before. That is a big part of what I believe is happening with the young adults. They are about to sweep through the streets. It’s already taking place.
I really believe there is something, that this generation is touching something real, is going to begin to answer the cry of the earth. Which I call a souls cry where people are crying out “God if you’re real…” Because they’re going to take the experience and I believe it’s going to cause people to question their theology all over Australia and everywhere else it goes.
“What does your theology look like in the street, what does it look like in the school, what does it look like in the hospital? What does it look like?” And I believe God is creating, He’s about to do things that have never been written in the theologies of men.
I’m telling you right now I feel the vibration of the move of God. I believe some people are going freak out because they’re going to feel like the ground is shaking and it’s really the shaking of the kingdom. I’m telling you right now I see this so strong.
Coming into Australia, had this vision three times now. Where I see this bright light coming and as it gets closer you can see the kingdom and as the kingdom comes closer it lands and you can tell it’s the kingdom of God. And in the kingdom of God I see the ark of the covenant, the cherubs are there, but it’s not just the cherubs, it’s the lion.
It’s as if the Lord is saying, in this season the presence doesn’t just need to be covered it needs to be protected. And God is calling you to be those that cover and protect the presence. It’s a big responsibility but it’s a big honour. And I just really believe that God is saying that the increase of His government is coming on your shoulders.
Cindy Jacobs, 25 July 2020, Arise Conference, facilitated by Ken Fish.
Lord says to Australia: The enemy will try to come in like a flood from other nations, but I say I will raise up a standard. And the Lord says I going to give greater alliances with Australia and even NZ in the coming days with the USA to protect your shores. And the Lord says I am going to make these alliances to protect you from communism, and protect you from radicals, protect you from China. And the Lord says there are Chinese spies that are among you, but the Lord says as a sign as you pray. I am going to deal with these spies and even communism from China and Russia. The Lord says I am going to reveal some spies that thought they were so hidden that they could not be seen.
The Lord says in the coming days there is going to be a move of God that comes to not only Australia, but to NZ. The Lord says to NZ, to the Kiwi you are going to be a nation of refuge. I see people coming in from Asia and other nations. I just feel the presence of the Lord so strongly upon this. The Lord says welcome them. And you are also going to see that your nations will come in alliance with Israel. There will be a fight and some people will say it never can happen. But Lord particularly wants to speak to Australia right now: it is going to happen. And the Lord says blessed are the peacemakers. I see NZ you are a peacemaker-country and the Lord is going to put you in the middle of some talks that will be about making peace. The Lord also says Darwin, Darwin I am going to sort some things out for you concerning your port and concerning the Chinese.
And the Lord says I have positioned you Darwin not only historically but for the future says the Lord, I have positioned you as a protector of the nation of Australia. I am going to protect, and I am going to, I see like a wall of fire being put around Australia. And the Lord says to western Australia new gold, I think I have prophecies this before. You will see mines that thought they are going to close up and open up again. You will see things that looked that they were shutting down, different industries, to open up more. And the Lord says even though it appears right now that you are in such a tough situation, the Lord says I am getting ready because of the prayers I hear in Australia and the prayers I hear in NZ and the prayers of in Ring of Fire nations, Papua, Samoa, Tonga. I see many nations even the connection that will come from the area of Malaysia and you will be surprised at this. And the Lord says I am going to give you strength to know which refugees to let in and which refugees to keep out.
For the Lord says I am hearing the prayers of my people, there is going to be a great awakening once again. You will be restored as the Great South Land of the Holy Spirit. Some people are saying this can never happen, but the Lord says nothing is impossible to Me. And this is for you Australia, the Ring of Fire Nations. And the Lord says watch and see what I will do. The universities of Adelaide will come on fire with revivalists, universities of Melbourne, in Sydney, Tasmania, Victoria, many places, Brisbane, and the Lord says I am going to release the fire of the Holy Spirit and there will be a Jesus people movement. Many, many, many will be saved. It is going to happen in such a ‘suddenly’ moment. And the Lord says I have revivalists that are burning with the fire of God. You think you have seen revivalists in the past but it is nothing like I am loosing in this generation. I am raising up an anointing like William Booth and the Salvation Army.
I am raising up anointings, even the children are going to prophesy. I am going to cause the children to fall on their knees and prophesy, even 3 year; olds, 5 year; olds; 8 year olds will want to preach the gospel. And the Lord says there is a new worship movement that is going to come out of a number of nations, and there will be alliances in down under and in various nations it will come. And the Lord will cause the power of God to arise.