During worship, I saw the gates of heaven open. Then I saw the gates of the land throughout Asia Pacific open up. Now I am seeing the angel of the Lord with one foot on the land and one foot on the sea (Rev 10:2-3) and the gates of heaven open and rain pouring out. I see it in the spirit – this whole gateway of earth coming into transformation like a new garden. It’s like an increase coming to the land and people producing fruit.
I can see a river flowing from the throne-room of heaven. The fruit from these trees is bringing healing to the land. (Rev 22). I’m seeing the throne-room river, this glorious river and its flowing to where there is much drought. It’s flowing on the earth. I see the word “harvest”. I’m seeing new planting. I’m seeing new buildings shaping in the spirit. I’m seeing new layers of foundations. Where things have been dead, barren, unfruitful, a new crop is forming. The shape of the land is being shaped by the Master Potter.
And I can see the soil and we know we are formed of the dirt of the ground. God’s bringing a new way. He’s creating new things in the wilderness and the desert. Even the unlearned, the blind and the deaf receive His healing, repairing, renewing, refreshing, strengthening, giving new hope and life abundant. As He opens heaven, so the earth opens. It’s a new praise and worship springing up and things not yet seen and heard but now God is presencing Himself very strongly. We know He walked with men on earth and His feet touched the soil of the earth. There is a ploughing of ground like a softening in the spirit.
As I see the new heavens opening up and the new earth, it’s like the New Jerusalem coming down from heaven and where foundations have not been aligned, they are coming into alignment. Like a people reaching to new alignment with a holy God. I can see a new holiness coming into the land and people crying out “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord” as they sing, even angels singing (Isaiah 6).
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord. The whole earth is filled with His glory. God is beginning to do this new thing. (Isaiah 42:10) Something new is being done in the spirit. And I see the old traditions, old things, old habits. I see the words “the new has come. The new has come.”
Norm Miller nbmiller@skymesh.com.au