National Day of Prayer – LIFE 10 Feb 2013

Will you be at the National Prayer Service in Parliament House, Canberra 10am-4pm  Sunday  10th February 2013? You also have the options to gather in a local church or participate online. REGISTER NOW at

Will you post a prayer at ?

Will you join in the 40 Days of Prayer and Fasting that follow: 13 February – 24 March 201? A daily prayer guide is prepared by Partners in Prayer and friends. Pop in to see:

Why Would You Join National Prayer ?

There are spiritual things we all need to first deal with personally and locally. But some things will only change if we stand together nationally.

Our focus in 2013 is LIFE! Jesus said, “I have come to give you life and life more abundantly.” John 10:10

  • We pray LIFE  will be highly valued in the hearts, minds and laws of our nation.
  • We repent for choices that have not been LIFE giving – in particular the shedding of innocent blood in our nation.
  • We pray for and encourage people who are struggling to hold onto LIFE – those who don’t know Jesus, are ill, frail, suicidal or contemplating the death of their unborn baby.
  • We pray together for a Life Breakthru in our nation.  We will be praying for an outpouring of God’s Life to turn back the tide of death. We need to establish a culture where human life is valued from conception to a natural passing. God loves children and as a Father he wants to protect his children. We should follow his example.

Pray & Fast for Revival and Transformation: LIFE

The over arching theme of the National Days of Prayer and Fasting is revival and transformation for our nation. If each church attending believer brought one person to Christ in one year, and discipled them to live through Gods life in Christ, we could double the Australian church in one year. At that rate we could win Australia for Christ in 4 years. Life produces life. Please pass this call to prayer on to your friends and networks. Together we can make a difference.

We pray & fast for the spiritual renewal and transformation of our nation through the saving grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. How you choose to observe this call to prayer would be up to you. Why not pray about it? Maybe a Daniel Fast, maybe missing one meal a day or fasting one day a week.

Five Point Prayer Plan – LIFE

1. Call for you to renew your love and life for God.

2. Call for you to make a list of friends you will pray for on each of these 40 days, praying they will find new life in Jesus Christ. You could even give them a rose for Easter – a sign of God’s love.

3. Commit to include this call to prayer in your church calendar and mobilise your church to pray for a release of Gods Life in our nation.

4. Pray that we will see a culture of life replace a culture of death and that “respect for life, from conception to natural death will be enshrined in law and public policy.”

5. Pray each day for an outpouring of life, revival and transformation for Australia.

For more information please phone:

Ps Matt Prater: 0433 192 267 Dr Graham McLennan: 0427 003 549 Ps Ben Irawan: 0416 111 201


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