31 Days of Prayer, Repentance & Fasting October 2018 for an AWAKENING


Online 7pm every night in October. See: http://www.nextgenprayermovement.com/

AS PART OF CALLING ALL AGES TO: “Blow the trumpet in Zion, declare a holy fast, call a sacred assembly…  and afterwards, I will pour out my Spirit on all people… And everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved.” Joel 2:15, 28

  1. AWAKENING to Christ: Renewal in the Church and Revival in the Nation – With Millions coming to Christ. John 3:16
  2. AWAKENING for Marriage: Renewal of marriages and restoration of Marriage. Ephesians 5: 25 -32
  3. AWAKENING for Family: Renewal and healing for families. Isaiah 61:1


 REGISTRATION LINK: https://ausheart.wufoo.com/forms/s4f3mvr1ceyck9

This AWAKENING Prayer Call follows the lead of the Catholic Church which has, for the third year in a row, called for a month of Prayer & Fasting for Marriage and Family during the whole month of October 2018.

 We at the Canberra Declaration have backed this momentous prayer call every year with 31 devotionals for each day of October and with promotion across the Body of Christ.  


But this year, as we have felt led to focus on AWAKENING, our Catholic brothers and sisters in Christ have graciously been very supportive of our desire to broaden the prayer call. Of course we will still pray for marriage and family but we will also pray for an AWAKENING in our Nation. This includes the below list of prayer points.  

Additional Prayer Point’s for the AWAKENING Prayer Call

  • Awakening to Rain: Prayer for the Drought – Inspired by Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s Call for Prayer for Drought & Ps Wayne Alcorn’s Call for Prayer & Fasting for Drought in October.
  • Awakening to Christ: Be AWAKE is the theme for the National Catholic Mens Conference 19 – 21 October 2018. http://www.menalive.org.au
  • Awakening to Christ: Awakening Evangelistic Crusade in Melbourne at the Etihad Stadium from 16 – 18 November 2018. See https://www.awakeningaustralia.org
  • Awakening to Christ: Franklin Graham touring Australia – Evangelistic Crusades 9 – 24 February 2018.  https://grahamtour.billygraham.org
  • Awakening to Life:  QLD issues re Legalisation of Abortion & High Court Life battle
  • Awakening to Purity: Revival of Sexual Purity in our Nation.
  • Awakening to Freedom: Godly Government and Preservation of Religious Freedom – Continued Prayer for our new Prime Minister Scott Morrison and stable Government.


REGISTRATION LINK: https://ausheart.wufoo.com/forms/s4f3mvr1ceyck9



Month of Prayer & Fasting for Marriage & Families October 2018 Called by the Catholic Church Prayers & Themes Centred around Joy

Joy of Marriage (Sunday 7 October 2018)

Loving God, we thank you for the joy we receive through our married couples. We ask that you fill them with the delight to be found in self-giving, faithfulness and intimacy. Help them to fully appreciate the incredible gift they are to one another, their families and the world.  May we always nurture and support married love in our families and communities as Your light continues to shine through them.

Joy of Children (Sunday 14 October 2018)

Loving God, we thank you for the joy we receive through our loved-ones, especially the children in our lives.  Help us to reflect this great love back to them through our words and actions as their beautiful smiles reveal your face to us. Help us to be good role models for our precious little ones as we seek to raise them to love and worship you.

Joy of Purity (Sunday 21 October 2018)

Heavenly Father, give us the graces of purity and chastity. Help us to guard our thoughts and desires from impurity. Give us the courage to cleanse our lives of all harmful images and influences. Help us to remember that all people are created in your image and likeness and have profound dignity. May we carefully respect the whole being of all those we encounter.

Joy of Commitment (Sunday 28 October 2018)

Heavenly Father, we know that all things worthwhile require courage and perseverance. Fill us with the strength we need to fulfil our vocations with all the commitment they entail. Help us to honour our promises to one another faithfully through good times and bad. May we embody the humility and holiness of Jesus, especially in the presence of those who need us the most.


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