Help Nepal – $46,000 in just over a week!

Help Nepal by Donating to Transform The Nations, an Australian managed NGO based in Nepal which is currently supporting the Earthquake Crisis.

On Saturday 25th of April 2015, Nepal experienced it’s deadliest earthquake in 80 years. It registered 7.8 on the Richter scale and occurred nearby to the capital of Kathmandu, causing widespread damage – flattening homes, businesses and temples. The death toll is in the thousands. Authorities are struggling to cope with the vast number of injured and deceased. As the enormity of the disaster continues to emerge, there is a rapidly growing need for donations from abroad. Transform The Nations is a well-established NGO in Nepalready to provide support and care for people in need. Your donations will help immediate requirements such as medical aid, emergency accommodation, food, clothing and counseling. Thousands of people are hopelessly wandering the streets, as even those whose houses still stand are afraid to reenter their homes for fear of structural damage or further tremors. Newly orphaned children are in dire need of care. Please donate funds to Transform The Nations to assist with crisis relief in Nepal today.

Transform The Nations has;
• 100% tax deductible status with the ATO
• Australian based management board
• Team on the ground in Nepal
Money will be collect through which is a trusted payment system for Australian Charities.

Go to to watch the video & make your donation today!

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