Terra Australis Incognita (Great Unknown South Land)

A Prophetic Vision of Australia by Rev Paul C Lee

In May 2006, Australia entered her 400th year since De Quiros’ proclamation of the “Southland of the Holy Spirit”. Many people also believe Australia is entering into her spiritual destiny in this end-time hour. This document summarises a number of prophetic insights about Australia.

Spiritual Counterbalance
Australia was once known as “Terra Australis Incognita”, which can be translated as the
“Great Unknown South Land”. Since ancient times, it was widely believed there existed a
huge southern land-mass which was the counterbalance to the rest of the known continents.

As in the natural, Australia would become the spiritual counterbalance for the rest of the
world. Church history has seen revolutionary spiritual contributions from all the other
continents. What’s missing is a significant spiritual contribution from this Southern Continent.

I believe Australia will make her most significant spiritual contribution to the world, serving as a spiritual counterbalance on this Earth. Australia’s overdue spiritual contribution would redefine Christianity as we know it today. Complementing the divine revelations from the other continents, Australia’s contribution would complete the spiritual picture on this earth.

Land of Gold
Since ancient times, seafarers have explored the raging oceans in search of “Terra Australia Incognita” hoping to find islands of gold. (This is the reason New Guinea was named after Guinea in Africa.)

Melbourne was established as a city mainly because gold was discovered in the mid-1800’s.At one stage, Melbourne was the fastest growing city in the world. People came from all over the world seeking gold and wealth.

I believe many will flood to Australia once again seeking for spiritual gold, which is a symbol of the divine. There will be such a powerful move of God in this land that many would be drawn by a new “spiritual gold-rush”. Churches will be full of people seeking God throughout this land. There will be abundance of spiritual wealth in this South Land. This will be evident by the abundance of spiritual revelation, provision, miraculous works of God, and intimacy with God.
I believe it is prophetic that Australia’s Internet domain code is “.au”, which corresponds to gold (“Au”) on the chemical Periodic Table.

Land of the Holy Spirit
In a vision, I saw Australia from so high up that I could see the entire horizon over Australia. It was twilight and the sky was dark. In the distance, the arc of the horizon was glowing like the Southern Lights (Aurora Australis). But this was not a natural glow. Instead, it was the visible glow of the Holy Spirit’s glory over the Southern Land.
This glory-glow was so intensely distinct that, in due time, even pilots entering Australian
airspace would report visible sightings (if they have open hearts).

Australia would literally become the “Great Southland of the Holy Spirit” – being engulfed by the manifestation and the Presence of the Holy Spirit Himself. His glory would truly be seen upon the Land (and in the skies!).

Aboriginal Christians
In addition, I believe the “Southland of the Holy Spirit” prophecy would be completely fulfilled only when the Indigenous Australians find their destiny in Christ. The Aboriginal people are extremely spiritual people. Since time unknown, they have engaged the supernatural realm.

Even though small in proportion to Australia’s present population, they are the counter
balance in the spiritual landscape of Australia. When God redeems their communities, their spirituality in Christ will be an awesome spiritual force in this end-time hour. They are a vital part of this glory-glow.

Spiritual Portal Over Entire Cities
As God calls this nation into His own heart, He is calling Australia back to her first love.
Centres of intimate prayer & worship would be established. Many of these would run
continuously 24/7. The constant rise of spiritual incense of worship and prayer would open spiritual portals over entire cities & regions.

In these locations the heightened Presence of God will be tangible 24-hours-a-day. Revelations, signs, miracles, visitations would be common place as His church takes on His dream of being a “House of Prayer” (Isaiah 56:7). So intense will be the Presence of God that Isaiah 4:4-6 would be manifested – the visible presence of God in the form of fire & smoke over His assemblies (churches). This is like being at the earthly end of God’s highway from heaven. Centred on Christ our rock, angels will come and go (entering and exiting God’s hyperspace portal). Believers would readily enter by vision into heaven. Even unbelievers would know they have stepped into God’s presence.

The Church (of His believers) would once again be different from the world – the key
difference being the marked Presence of God upon her (Exodus 33:16). Even unbelievers
will recognise the Presence and life of God amongst the Christians. She will move through
her love and devotion for the Risen Lord. She will be known for her unparalleled intimacy and bridal relationship with Jesus, rather than by her programs or worldly philosophies.

Rev. Paul Lee
Copyright (c) 2007 Paul C Lee. All Rights Reserved. www.paullee.net.au
Copyright asserted as a statement of prophetic origin and accountability. Permission is granted to copy and distribute this document for non-commercial purposes, provided this entire copyright message (including author’s name and weblink) is retained together with the document.

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