Word over the Nations of Oceania

Linda Straw 14 August 2024

Oceania, I am releasing keys of destiny, blueprints and strategies into your hands in
this hour. I’m calling you to come up higher, and into the thoughts and plans which I
have for you. My eye is upon you as you hold significant keys regarding the
purposes I have for your region and the nations.

I am calling forth My sons and daughters to rise up into their full identities, and to
partner with Me and My ways, for such a time as this.
There is a strategic shift happening as I position you to stand and take your place in
My kingdom, and in the earth right now.

Do not say, I am too small; to poor; too far or insignificant. I am releasing your voice
among the nations and have kept you as a secret weapon in My arsenal. I am
releasing you from orphan thinking and inviting you into the inheritance of Psalm 2:8
‘Ask me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your

You are the head and not the tail, you are ones who carry my breaker anointing,
spearheading the charge for others to follow. I am training your hands for war, and
your fingers for battle. There’s an army rising up within you, like never before!
Can you feel the rumble under your feet? It is a stirring that I am releasing, and a
missionary movement is being activated, released and sent out from Oceania, who
will move at the sound and the stirring of My heart. They will touch hearts, break
open and bring many sons to glory.

There are many who are postured in deep surrender, inclining their ears and hearts
to Me. They are breaking open access for others to the fresh oil of My Spirit through
their worship, sacrifice and prayers. They have been crying out for the Nations in the
Secret Place, and their collective voice has become a roar in My ears.

My arm is not so short that it cannot save, nor My ear so dull that I cannot hear.
Through the sounds from the Nations of Oceania, “I will go forth like a warrior. He will
stir up His zeal like a man of war; I will shout out, yes, I will raise a war cry. I will
prevail mightily against My enemies” Is 42:13 (Amp)

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